Still a little boingy after a few hundred rounds. Had a look inside again to check all was well and it is What i did notice when i looked down the transfer port ( which i thought very small ) that it looked "stepped" on further investigation i found a washer under the breach seal. The hole in the washer was 2.5mm but the transfer port is actually 3.8mm so they have obviously put that in there to bring it down to UK power levels. I tried it without the washer in but couldnt find a spring long enough or weak enough to remain under 12fpe, so washer stays in.
I think if I want it to shoot super smooth I will have to send it to a more proficient tuner than myself for a 25mm sleeve conversion .
What I am amazed at is the accuracy and consistency. I set up a board at 75yds in my garden and shot a 30 shot group. All shots within a £2.00 coin sized group I also shot 30 shots from my 97 and pro target as a comparison, they took more wind which made larger groups.
Next update wont be for a couple of weeks as I have just been to ripley rifles to have my AR5 serviced so I will be playing with that for the next couple of weeks.

@ Maximus. I bought the 470 as it has a longer barrel