I remember shooting a fun competition back in the eighties with duelling pistols or similar. For 'elf and safety reasons taking ten paces, turning and firing at each other was rather frowned upon, so this simulation grew in (limited) popularity.

Two 'Gentlemen' start in adjacent booths with pistols at either half or full cock rested on bench at 45degrees or so. On the given signal, (usually a white light) the Gentlemen would fire at their respective target at twenty yards or so. The first to fire AND hit their target would win the point. Sound activated switches would take the argument away as to who fired first, and target hit indication would give instant hit or miss indication. I've made the electronics and the club members are very keen to have a go at this comp. For a simple boxing day fun shoot I reckon on having a straight forward knock out. Quid in and last 'Gentleman' standing takes the pot. It should be pointed out that Ladies had more sense than to duel and are thus not allowed to enter. (Honourary Gentlemen however, may enter!)

After this pre-amble my question is; can anyone out there remember the official rules and scoring for this competition? I'm sure it was a recognised discipline.