I've never really shot pistols of any sort, until recently. I shoot a variety of rifles ranging from Victorian powder burners to modern centrefire's and air rifles.

As far as pistols are concerned, they've never really interested me, although since my teens I've always fancied shooting an FWB 65, but when I was a teenager I couldn't afford one.
Skip forward a few decades.
An old friend of mine picked up a 65 from the widow of a friend of his. My eyes were green with envy. Especially when a few weeks later he had sold it for the princely sum of £120. I was gutted. He said he had no idea I was interested. I was really fed up, and promised myself I wouldn't pay more than that for a 65. I had to bite the bullet so to speak, and ended up paying double that for my pistol.

The shooting club that I am a member of has two 10 metre ranges, one with 6 yard facilities as well.
I started shooting at 10 metre with my 65. After a lot of cursing, swearing and self teaching, I eventually scraped an average of 79. I was happy.

Imagine my horror when after reading another thread on here, I found a site that gives instuctions on how to shoot an air pistol. It turns out I'm lucky I can hit anything.
Here's my method of shooting a pistol.

Tip ten pellets onto the top of the target changer unit
Cock the 65 and shove a pellet up the spout.
Shuffle my feet about until I'm facing about 20 degrees to the left of the target.
Take a deep breath, and hold it.
I grip my 65 that tightly the circulation to my fingers ceases.
I Lift my 65
Point it at the target
Take up the first stage
Then unlike any one in the Airgun Magazines, I shut one eye. (incidentally something I do with any rifle or pistol that requires a steady aim)
By now, my lungs are bursting.
I then focus on the target, not the foresight.
By now my face is turning blue.
At some point, my foresight passes through the black part of the target. When it does I jerk the trigger.
If the pellet lands in the black, I'm chuffed to bits.
I now start to breath again, panting like a chap on 60 woodbines a day.
Drop the pistol to the bench
Repeat the above another nine times.