My partner had been to a party, a girlie night out! She told me she met a lady, her husband had passed away a couple of months ago. The lady wanted a clear out of stuff that she was not interested in, and particularly, his collection of guns as she hated them being around the house. My partner informed her that I was interested in air rifles and maybe could be of help? Telephone numbers were exchanged and a day or two later I called. She sounded quite nice and enthusiastic that her problem could be solved.

I drove to her place, quite a substantial and lovely period property in the country. She welcomed me in, we sat down and shared a glass of wine by the log fire, not to look too eager, I engaged in her conversation about I don't remember what as my heart was thumbing like crazy.....

Eventually, the conversation came around to the business bit. She said I might be disappointed as he stopped collecting in the middle eighties and there was nothing modern of interest. She asked me to follow her to a large shed/workshop at the back of the property and opened it up. My god, what an amazing sight, there was about 50 to 60 British and German air rifles in fantastic condition from before the war and typical middle eighties. Oh! she said, that's not all, this is what I could manage to get out of the study where he kept all of his bits and pieces, they are quite heavy and I got fed up of moving them here.

There were many pre-war BSA Improved Model D and a Military Pattern, Model B's, a couple of old Tell's, one a side lever. Then I spied about half a dozen Webley Service Pattern of different Mk's. BSA Airsporters including 'S' models, likewise Mercury 'S', Challengers, Original 35 Super, 45, 50 and 65(?). Quite a few Webley's from; Junior, Falcon, Hawk, Omega, Vulcan. Many HW; different 35's, 77, 80. All were fairly immaculate, well protected with oil on the metal bits - he must have known what to collect and how to look after them.

She said that we need to take a look in the study and see what's there....

Again, my god... there were about four more Webley Service Rifles in boxes in what appeared to be unused condition. Various BSA and Weihrauch still in their boxes!!!! She said she couldn't manage to take the boxed ones out to the workshop as they were more awkward to handle compared to the unboxed ones.

She led me to a tall cabinet with shallow drawers, inside were Webley pistols in their boxes, four to a drawer and there were about five drawers. At the bottom of the cabinet were doors. She opened them up and there were many tins of unused pellets; BSA Pylarm, Wasp, Webley.... this is heart attack stuff and my head is spinning.

Now, the delicate question of "how much"? needs to be approached.....mmmmm?

So, we sat down and had another glass of wine....I started off by asking what did she plan to do with them?
She said she thought of going to the local council recycling plant and putting them into the metals container, but, being air rifles, they could get into illegal hands and it may not be legal to do so, also, could get her into trouble. She thought of auction but, would rather someone like myself, an enthusiast, to enjoy and knowingly, would look after them. She had no family to pass them on to. She confessed she actually hated guns and her late husbands hobby, he hardly ever used them, and she did not like them being in the house. It gave her the creeps, she said. I just want them out of the house

The question had to be asked; "What would you consider a fair price for some of them"? Oh, she said "I am not short of money" and what would be nice if I could make a donation to the local dog rescue centre. She said that she knew they would be worth a lot more, but shall we say about £350 for the lot? What! I said, they must be worth..... she interrupted and said whatever I can afford. I am in a cold sweat and trembling now and