Thanks for posting this great publication for us all to peruse and learn that basically, most of are really only scratching the surface of the skill and art of bullet casting after all.

My only gripe, and it's a small one, is that the authors found it necessary to engage in a bit of evangelism in the pages, something that leaves me just a little uneasy, I have to admit.

As a non-Christian, I'm more that little wary of proclamations of faith and belief being included in what is, after all, a fairly technical tome. I certainly wouldn't expect to see any religious references in a Haynes Manual of the Ford Sierra, for instance, nor in a book about underwater fretwork in Latvia - nor do I expect to find religion in a book about bullet casting. IMO what the authors hold as religious belief is their own private affair, and not one that needs highlighting in a publication like this.

My opinion only - other readers of this otherwise immensely valuable document might care to differ, but, as they say, whatever floats your boat.

Just sayin'.
