Quote Originally Posted by camcoll View Post
I don't understand why the policy is not to indicate prices of all of these obvious bargains...
The intent is to give a flavour of what will be offered rather than a comprehensive list.

Adding prices tends to result in some people trying to make offers/bids, which is unethical and also potentially denies those who make an effort to attend the chance to buy certain items.
Fortunately most of the sellers are well known and firmly in the "good guys" camp and so wouldn't be tempted by such tactics.

Judging from last year's Fayre then the list of rifles presented here on the bbs was perhaps 10% of what turned up on the day. Then there are all the bits'n'bobs, accessories, magazines etc that are often just placed on the seller's table and invite some enjoyable haggling.

Lastly, many collectors aren't very organised, prices being hastily written up as they are laying their wares out on the day. Perhaps this explains some of the low prices?

Achieved prices would be more useful. I'd be happy to start an "achieved prices" thread after the event and do it via pm if anonymity is desired.