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Thread: Finally! (Sigh)

  1. #16
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    (Why are they so hard to cock compared to later/bigger pistols?)
    The Junior's, Mk.I's & Mk.II Target all have single cocking links, whereas the Senior's Premier's etc. all have long and short links which require less effort to cock the pistol.

  2. #17
    harry mac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by deejayuu View Post
    All very well and satisfying yarn but we like pictures!
    PS Glad you got there. This looks even more doable now

    Bit o' T cut'll soon 'ave that fettled.
    The South of England has 2 good things, the M1 and the A1. Both will take you to Yorkshire.

  3. #18
    pjbingham is offline My mother was flexible,but couldn't do Thursdays
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    Quote Originally Posted by ggggr View Post
    After getting the Pre War tin grip Junior I got off Tom (Sevorg), I found that I had a later frame and some white grips, thanks to Phil Bingham. As usual with these things (BIG SIGH), you think that you have most of a pistol and then find bits and pieces are worn so you go from "Almost having a pistol" to "needing lots of bits for a pistol!. I was given a bent Junior barrel off here by Rickenbacker and Chris Hough sent me a piston. I made up a leather piston washer and sorted a screw as the threads had gone on the piston. (I re tapped it). An old breech seal that was ok was fitted and I had to buy a second hand sear and the rearsight and screw. I found the linkage had one hole that was too big but found I had a spare linkage. Plated screws were used to hold the grips on, which were located by a bit of alloy round bar that another bbs-er had turned down for me.
    Anyhow---the cocking link was too tight and required a little filing to sort it but the gun was still hard to cock. (Why are they so hard to cock compared to later/bigger pistols?) I swapped the mainspring with a thinner one out of another Junior and it is better.
    It is back together and the sight is ok for bottle caps at 7 1/2 yards.
    So--another one bites the dust, thanks to all the help from the gentlemen of this section.
    Was it worth the trouble/ cost and time? Probably not, but at least it is done now.
    I've still got a table load of dead Relum underlever pistols though
    Well done for getting it all finished Guy, apart from the Relums what's next?

  4. #19
    pjbingham is offline My mother was flexible,but couldn't do Thursdays
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    Quote Originally Posted by deejayuu View Post
    All very well and satisfying yarn but we like pictures!
    PS Glad you got there. This looks even more doable now

    What does it look like 3 years on?

  5. #20
    ggggr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pjbingham View Post
    Well done for getting it all finished Guy, apart from the Relums what's next?
    Well--after much messing about and a bit of help from Deejayuu getting a seized pin and 2 grub screws out, I managed (touch wood) to get 3 pistols working out of the bits that you and Chris Hough (Hwvixen) sent me.
    After the barrels on 2 of them were unscrewed, they needed filing to go back in line. One needed it off the breech end of the barrel as it was sticking into the loading tap bay and stopping the tap from closing and the other off the shoulder just after the threaded bit. To be fair, a bit of brute force like applied in the factory would have gotten this one to line up. Then I had to pick the rubbing pad out of the cocking arms use a bit of epoxy in the holes and reset them a bit proud as they had worn right down. After that it was trying to get the pistols to cock with both sets of springs and both sear plungers. It turns out that one of the inners was binding on the guide and locking the outer. After that it was trying various springs in the plungers to get the guns so they would cock. I think as the guns were put together from stripped down (maybe they were stripped becasue they were broken) and mixed bits, they had to be hand fettled to get the right bits. I think if I stripped the 3 pistols and threw the bits in a bag, it would take a bit of luck and a lot of time to get the right bits together again----AND that is without the leftover bits that are in another bag.
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  6. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by ggggr View Post
    Well--after much messing about and a bit of help from Deejayuu getting a seized pin and 2 grub screws out, I managed (touch wood) to get 3 pistols working out of the bits that you and Chris Hough (Hwvixen) sent me.
    After the barrels on 2 of them were unscrewed, they needed filing to go back in line. One needed it off the breech end of the barrel as it was sticking into the loading tap bay and stopping the tap from closing and the other off the shoulder just after the threaded bit. To be fair, a bit of brute force like applied in the factory would have gotten this one to line up. Then I had to pick the rubbing pad out of the cocking arms use a bit of epoxy in the holes and reset them a bit proud as they had worn right down. After that it was trying to get the pistols to cock with both sets of springs and both sear plungers. It turns out that one of the inners was binding on the guide and locking the outer. After that it was trying various springs in the plungers to get the guns so they would cock. I think as the guns were put together from stripped down (maybe they were stripped becasue they were broken) and mixed bits, they had to be hand fettled to get the right bits. I think if I stripped the 3 pistols and threw the bits in a bag, it would take a bit of luck and a lot of time to get the right bits together again----AND that is without the leftover bits that are in another bag.

    Sounds like major expletives were muchly used Guy

    Did you ever sort the little Tell 2?

    for my gunz guitarz and bonzai, see here

  7. #22
    ggggr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnbaz View Post
    Sounds like major expletives were muchly used Guy

    Did you ever sort the little Tell 2?

    I got a Tell 2 sorted out of the bits that Garvin sent me a few year ago but need a little cocking shoe and a grip screw/ pivot before I think about the thing that is left. I have one Tell 2 (Why) and gave the other as a prezzie.

    I finally got the correct barrel nut for the G2 and that will be getting wrapped and some poor sod will get it for Christmas

    I very kindly got bits of a Webley Junior with my last purchase. It is a normal gripped Birmingham 4 one. There was no barrel or linkage on it and the grips were damaged around the locating dowel bit and the grip screws were seized. I am hoping to talk someone into trying to repair the grips. It was very rusty.
    I took most of the rust off and then put some Plus Gas on the screws and pins overnight. The trigger and sear pins came out not too adly but the grip screws were stuck. Even tapping the screwdriver with the hammer and trying to tighten them didn't work. I managed to slowly drill the head off one screw, without further damage to the grip, remove the remains with pliers and get some more Plus Gas down the hole, then undid the other screw. I stripped, cleaned and lube it. The piston washer did not look too bad or smell of old oil so I kept it. I put the gun together with the barrel and linkage off another to see if the sear and trigger were ok. As they were, I checked what bits I had and what I needed. I had the links and pins in as spares and also found a spare grip screw. A mate said he had a barrel for one and sent it to me.
    I tried the barrel on the gun and there was a lot of up and down play on it.An inspection showed that the very front of the barrel catch was slightly worn. A phone call an a chat about it an I tried various things to try to get the metal back into place, ease the lugs etc. I then tried another catch and the play was still there! So, not wanting to squeeze the breech jaws onr tap them with a hammer or anything like that, I was going to glue a piece of 8 thou shim brass in the breech body at the bottom. However, when I sorted a breech seal, the play had gone, although the shim idea could be brought into play later.
    I had some bits of leather that had been punched out as Webley breech seals but there were no inserts in them. I dont like having to cut down new rubber seals, although if anyoe throws old ones my way, I sand cut/sand the back off tehm to fit Juniors and Mk1's which are shallower than later pistols.
    I got some tube from an old radio aerial and put that in one of the washers then tried peening it over slightly.
    The little cocking shoe was tight going into the cylinder and once in would not move. I spent about 45 minutes filing the bottom and the leading edge so it would sit low enough on the piston to enable it to work.
    Once together I tried a few shots, without the grips on last night. A pair of wooden grisp were fitted this morning and it seems to plink ok and is hitting the bottle caps, so hopefully the home made breech seal is ok.
    It is always nice to get something like this together and working, but sometimes it is luck in locating the bits.
    If another pistol turned up in similar condition, it would probably not be financially viable due to the cost of the bits.
    As time goes on and people have checked the bits boxes and drawers and found the bit, it wont be there again---------and as the same parts are often damaged or missing it becomes harder to get something like this together.
    Last edited by ggggr; 04-10-2018 at 09:04 AM.
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  8. #23
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    Probably well over a year ago now, Danny very kindly sent me most of a Straight gripped Webley Mk1 that had been painted black. There was no barrel or linkage with the gun, the safety was dodgy and looked home made, there were home made grips on it and the barrel catch was home made and very thin. After removing the paint i discovered that someone had almost peeled apart the breech block and maybe had a go at making a different barrel catch?
    A later .22 barrel and linkage were acquired and i found a safety catch. Jules took away the barrel catch and built it up with weld and dropped it off last week. I filed it to shape yesterday and fitted it to the gun. The Mk1 is now up and plinking, although a weak spring has been fitted to give it an easy life

    Now if I got the spring/ piston unit for that bloody G10, I could get that together and outof the way!
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  9. #24
    pjbingham is offline My mother was flexible,but couldn't do Thursdays
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    Well done Guy,you got there in the end with it

  10. #25
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    Probably 18 months or maybe more ago, I got given a cut down Cadet when I bought something else. The barrel and the stock had been cut down and scope grooves cut onto the cylinder, but from the front and not extending far enough back for most scopes. The gun wasn't cocking properly (trigger rubbing on the stock) and had a bit of a harsh mainspring in it. There was no blue on it and the stock was tatty. I varnished the stock and got the action up and running, but did not reblue the gun. Not being able to find a scope that would fit the rails AND not extend over the barrel was a problem. There were no sights on the gun and if a foresight had been fitted it probably would have stuck in your hand on cocking. Someone made up an alloy cocking aid and milled a slot and put a sight in the slot. A Cadet rearsight was fitted and it plinked ok.
    However, yesterday some scopes arrived that Hsing-ee had posted (thanks ) and there was a 3-7 x 20 Nikko stirling tiara there. It fitted the grooves and could be adjusted so it didn't foul the barrel. I adjusted it and the gun plinks really well now and should a relative not want it, I'll be happy to keep it.
    Cooler than Mace Windu with a FRO, walking into Members Only and saying "Bitches, be cool"

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