After Gravitysucks caught our Nigel actually answering the 'phone -stands back in amazement- Nigel is looking at USB and asking me for a spec. Here is your chance to be wise before it is all too late. May never happen, may take no time at all, looks fairly easy but confidence is that feeling you get etc., and I never promise anything

My thinking is a PP3 battery clip with a circuit board on the back. It has a plug for the cb-625, a plug for the USB, maybe a plug to go to a Palm PC and a button to switch it on/off.

If you are away from your PC it remembers all your velocity data until you are ready to connect.

Maybe a plug for an optional 2 line x 16 character LED display, standard part, costs around £8.50, probably get one from Maplins. Looks a bit naff but is very reassuring that everything is working okay without having to up-end your gun.


How long should the wire twixt box and chrono be? Currently a bit long perhaps?

Does it need to squeak reassuringly when you shoot or would a flashing light do?

Should it have a pukka injection moulded case, even though this will add to the cost and delay everything, or is cheap and cheerful preferred? Perhaps cheap and cheerful as an interrim leading to pukka?

Does the USB connector mean I can omit the RS232 ? Does anything have RS232 but not USB?

Anything else?