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Thread: C.C.L. September '14

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Blackburn, Lancs. (under a bridge)

    C.C.L. September '14

    C.C.L. (Classic Carbon League) results for September ('14 ) are:


    Ian Jones - 273.
    Paul Wray - 268 (Thanks Kev )
    Shaun Bell - 257


    No scores returned for the first , last or second week so -

    the man from Del Monte says "Nil points".
    Founder & ex secretary of Rivington Riflemen.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Rossendale and Formby
    Quote Originally Posted by I. J. View Post
    C.C.L. (Classic Carbon League) results for September ('14 ) are:


    Ian Jones - 273.
    Paul Wray - 268 (Thanks Kev )
    Shaun Bell - 257


    No scores returned for the first , last or second week so -

    the man from Del Monte says "Nil points".
    The Carbon Classic League has always been shot in the first week of every month - so we will shoot it next week..and since you have shown some renewed interest (now that you have jumped ship again) we will even share the results with you this time too

    It is getting very hard to keep up with your new hormonal mood swings and the way it affects your judgement and loyalties - not to mention the multi-toilet choice you now have ( good job the new sewers are now in operation) but we are delighted to see you when you "swing" by our way and enjoy your company ( if not your scores).

    Keep blowing the carbon - it has much more "character " than straight air
    Rossendale Target Shooting Club. Every Tuesday and Thursday evening 7 - 10pm.

  3. #3
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    Blackburn, Lancs. (under a bridge)
    Quote Originally Posted by zooma View Post
    The Carbon Classic League has always been shot in the first week of every month - so we will shoot it next week..and since you have shown some renewed interest (now that you have jumped ship again) we will even share the results with you this time too
    So, your four weeks behind with your September CCL results?

    If you shoot the CCL from today (the 1st) until next Tues (7th), thats the first week in October so your scores will go into the October results.
    Try to shoot the MPL, the next round is Octobers, any time in the month. Im patient and will wait for your scores.
    Founder & ex secretary of Rivington Riflemen.

  4. #4
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    Rossendale and Formby
    Quote Originally Posted by I. J. View Post
    So, your four weeks behind with your September CCL results? :roll eyes

    If you shoot the CCL from today (the 1st) until next Tues (7th), thats the first week in October so your scores will go into the October results.

    Try to shoot the MPL, the next round is Octobers, any time in the month. Im patient and will wait for your scores.
    You are so kind and patient - the new you - Thankyou!
    Rossendale Target Shooting Club. Every Tuesday and Thursday evening 7 - 10pm.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by zooma View Post
    You are so kind and patient -
    My generosity is only exceeded by my good looks (and height).

    Founder & ex secretary of Rivington Riflemen.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by zooma View Post
    The Carbon Classic League has always been shot in the first week of every month - so we will shoot it next week..and since you have shown some renewed interest (now that you have jumped ship again) we will even share the results with you this time too
    So, its past the first week in the month . well past and the only score I have received for October is from RMTC is Mike Swales ( a very tidy 279! ).

    So, lets forget all this 'first week - last week' malarky for the CCL and MPL. ANYTIME that month so you have until the 31st October to get some scores in.
    Last edited by I. J.; 13-10-2014 at 04:10 AM.
    Founder & ex secretary of Rivington Riflemen.

  7. #7
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    Rossendale and Formby
    Quote Originally Posted by I. J. View Post
    So, its past the first week in the month . well past and the only score I have received for October is from RMTC is Mike Swales ( a very tidy 279! ).

    So, lets forget all this 'first week - last week' malarky for the CCL and MPL. ANYTIME that month so you have until the 31st October to get some scores in.
    There is not the level of interest that we would like to see in the 10 meter Classic Carbon League at the moment, but as our new members settle-in and see just how nice these highly under-rated match pistols shoot I am sure this will change.
    Last edited by zooma; 13-10-2014 at 03:25 PM.
    Rossendale Target Shooting Club. Every Tuesday and Thursday evening 7 - 10pm.

  8. #8
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    Blackburn, Lancs. (under a bridge)
    Quote Originally Posted by zooma View Post
    There is not the level of interest that we would like to see in the 10 meter Classic Carbon League at the moment, but as our new members settle-in and see just how nice these highly under-rated match pistols shoot I am sure this will change.
    Im sure it will as CO2, IMO, is well under rated. This is one of my compt cards (signed in advance and witnessed ) that I shot on Sunday. I also shot a 42 so ended with a total of 277. Mikes pipped me in the CCL this month but theres more scores to come in yet.
    It will also help your members, new and old alike, if they have a full month to shoot their compts cards in and not just restricted to one week be it the first, last or middle. Any date in October is the date to shoot the CCL (and MPL). So they have until midnight 31st to get their results in. Come on Bob use a bit of your charm to get them shooting Failing that - bribe em!
    Last edited by I. J.; 13-10-2014 at 04:38 PM.
    Founder & ex secretary of Rivington Riflemen.

  9. #9
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    Nov 2011
    Chorley; somewhere to the SW of I.J. (fortunately)
    Quote Originally Posted by I. J. View Post
    Im sure it will as CO2, IMO, is well under rated. This is one of my compt cards (signed in advance and witnessed ) that I shot on Sunday. I also shot a 42 so ended with a total of 277. Mikes pipped me in the CCL this month but theres more scores to come in yet.
    It will also help your members, new and old alike, if they have a full month to shoot their compts cards in and not just restricted to one week be it the first, last or middle. Any date in October is the date to shoot the CCL (and MPL). So they have until midnight 31st to get their results in. Come on Bob use a bit of your charm to get them shooting Failing that - bribe em!
    A sensible attitude to competition shooting IMHO - our external postal comps have a date by which scores should be returned. It is a system which works well.

    Why should MPL and CCL be any different?; it allows for illness, holidays, work commitments and shift patterns and unforeseen problems to enable as many shooters as possible to compete, which is what we are trying to achieve is it not?

    Nowhere to go no hurry to get there; well I suppose it is somewhere to go.... founded by I.J. - let down by the tainted blood scandal

  10. #10
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    Rossendale and Formby
    Quote Originally Posted by mikec4 View Post

    Why should MPL and CCL be any different?; it allows for illness, holidays, work commitments and shift patterns and unforeseen problems to enable as many shooters as possible to compete, which is what we are trying to achieve is it not?

    We had far more interest in both competitions when it was ear-marked to be shot on a certain day or inside a certain week as it was something of an event that we all looked forward to - a proper occasion ( we don't get out much over here) - but now the urgency has been lost and it can be shot wherever and whenever anyone should happen to feel like it the interest has sagged.

    Shooting at anytime up until a closure date is good for postal competitions but not so good for live club competitions IMO and from what I can see happening in the club.

    We have ALWAYS accommodated anyone that was unable to shoot on time for any reason previously (holidays, sickness, bad memory, forgot air pistol, pistol being repaired, forgot stool to stand on, or having to work late etc) so we have always been able to include anyone that wanted to take part - this has never been a problem so shooting at anytime in the month has no advantage over shooting in a specific week as far as this is debate is concerned.

    We will give the RMTC members the option to take part when they feel like it or in a certain week (as we have done since both competitions first started) and see what they want to do.

    We are very flexible and only want to encourage new-comers (in particular) to take part in these club competitions, but I also believe the old saying "if it ain't broke - don't fix it" still has a lot of wisdom behind it - and tinkering with something that has run for several seasons without problems does not seem to be the most urgent thing to spend too much time discussing.

    If you prefer to shoot this competition at the Rivy Club in a more relaxed atmosphere with no time pressure then that is OK with me (and your scores should be a little better for it too).

    Rivvy has more experienced pistol shooters than we have in our small club and they would probably not get as many "match nerves" as our relative newcomers or your newcomers would have on a designated "match night" so it should make no difference to them either way - but the less experienced club members from both clubs will notice a significant difference.
    Last edited by zooma; 14-10-2014 at 01:01 PM.
    Rossendale Target Shooting Club. Every Tuesday and Thursday evening 7 - 10pm.

  11. #11
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    Blackburn, Lancs. (under a bridge)
    Quote Originally Posted by zooma View Post
    We had far more interest in both competitions when it was ear-marked to be shot on a certain day or inside a certain week as it was something of an event that we all looked forward to - a proper occasion ( we don't get out much over here) - but now the urgency has been lost and it can be shot wherever and whenever anyone should happen to feel like it the interest has sagged.

    Youve got your new sewer opening! Mike (Swales) is the only one showing interest at the mo (and me & him are nip and tuck).

    Shooting at anytime up until a closure date is good for postal competitions but not so good for live club competitions IMO and from what I can see happening in the club.

    Live? At RMTC? Tramps vest springs to my mind. So post me your results!

    We have ALWAYS accommodated anyone that was unable to shoot on time for any reason .....

    Then accomodate them and let them shoot ANY TIME in the month. Pretend they are going away (Strangeways?)

    We will give the RMTC members the option to take part when they feel like it or in a certain week (as we have done since both competitions first started) and see what they want to do.

    Hallelujah! Were getting there.

    We are very flexible and only want to encourage new-comers (in particular) to take part in these club competitions, but I also believe the old saying "if it ain't broke - don't fix it" still has a lot of wisdom behind it

    But it IS broke. Entries were dwindling with no entries for June, July or August.

    If you prefer to shoot this competition at the Rivy Club in a more relaxed atmosphere with no time pressure then that is OK with me (and your scores should be a little better for it too).

    Have you tried getting on our 10m range with all the other pistol compts, 10m rifle compts, bell target, plinkers, plonkers ..... 'Relaxed' is not a word I would use. Reluctant is more appropriate.

    Rivvy has more experienced pistol shooters than we have in our small club and they would probably not get as many "match nerves" as our relative newcomers or your newcomers would have on a designated "match night" so it should make no difference to them either way - but the less experienced club members from both clubs will notice a significant difference.

    Match nerves are still there. Believe me.
    So, is it anytime during THAT month? If you want to restrict your members to 'Match Nights' on certain weeks - thats fine by me, as long as I have your results by midnight on the last day. Ive got to be strict on that otherwise the months merge and I get (easily) confused.

    Founder & ex secretary of Rivington Riflemen.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Chorley; somewhere to the SW of I.J. (fortunately)
    Quote Originally Posted by zooma View Post
    ...... so we have always been able to include anyone that wanted to take part - this has never been a problem so shooting at anytime in the month has no advantage over shooting in a specific week as far as this is debate is concerned.

    Inclusion is not the issue - motivation seems to be lacking........

    Rivvy has more experienced pistol shooters than we have in our small club and they would probably not get as many "match nerves" as our relative newcomers or your newcomers would have on a designated "match night" so it should make no difference to them either way - but the less experienced club members from both clubs will notice a significant difference.

    Name them please... our top pistol shooters have around 2 years RECENT AIR PISTOL experience each; Paul (Hippo) Wray has only started back in air pistol after a 15/20 year break; Steve (in the afternoon ) Wright last shot free pistol in the early 1980's; John (hospital) Ward only took up "Olympic" style one handed pistol last year; Carl Stott bought a Steyr LP2 18 months ago; Shaun (ding dong) Bell started serious pistol shooting Oct 2013 with our coaching course; etc, etc, It's either natural talent, quality coaching or just luck, but all these guys have improved over Dorset, SPA, MPL, CCL and club handicap events this year......
    And Ian's right, match nerves do come into the equation; however we have a team ethic with encouragement, advice and coaching freely given, and it seems to be paying dividends.

    Just let all your members shoot what they want, when they want and send Ian the scores by the last day of the month......


    Nowhere to go no hurry to get there; well I suppose it is somewhere to go.... founded by I.J. - let down by the tainted blood scandal

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikec4 View Post

    Just let all your members shoot what they want, when they want and send Ian the scores by the last day of the month......


    Mikes right (again ) and we have Ron.
    Founder & ex secretary of Rivington Riflemen.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Chorley; somewhere to the SW of I.J. (fortunately)
    Quote Originally Posted by I. J. View Post
    and we have Ron.
    There's a downside to everything o diminutive one
    Nowhere to go no hurry to get there; well I suppose it is somewhere to go.... founded by I.J. - let down by the tainted blood scandal

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    CCL matchcard 50ex50

    Quote Originally Posted by I. J. View Post
    Im sure it will as CO2, IMO, is well under rated. This is one of my compt cards (signed in advance and witnessed ) that I shot on Sunday. I also shot a 42 so ended with a total of 277. Mikes pipped me in the CCL this month but theres more scores to come in yet.
    It will also help your members, new and old alike, if they have a full month to shoot their compts cards in and not just restricted to one week be it the first, last or middle. Any date in October is the date to shoot the CCL (and MPL). So they have until midnight 31st to get their results in. Come on Bob use a bit of your charm to get them shooting Failing that - bribe em!

    Your soooooo jammy . Another 50ex50. Where do you get them from?


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