Latest news at MM :

The article by Phil Bulmer on the August Collector's Fayre is in the current issue of Airgun Shooter. Phil has also joined the club and hopefully may cover future fayres/events

The AGM will take place on Thurs 6 November (8pm) and should be completed for about 9.15 pm so we will still be shooting on the night.

The visit to the Armouries at Leeds is being organised by Jean for November. Please make sure she has your name, as places are limited by number of seats in the mini bus.

The home leg match with Redhill left us with a slight lead. The return leg is scheduled for January so plenty of time to get some serious practise in.

The Xmas dinner is being arranged by Kim. 2 venues have been proposed so please let Kim know your preference. We will go with the majority.
