For the brave and foolhardy? it was wet and then got wetter . Next shoot is 14th December with the Christmas raffle. Please bring a raffle prize if you can it would be nice for everyone to take a prize home.

Jeff Westley 52
Mike Isaac 48
Dan Measures 47
Roger Bentley 45
Jon Houghton 44
Jack Houghton 43
James Free 43
Ralph Pressland 41
Joanne Cogger 40
Clive Pressland 40
Martin Slane 39
Ken Phillipd 39
Matt Rawlings 37
Graham Mason 36
Dave George 32
Gordon Smith 29
Nathan Barlow 27

Steve Martin 43
Rex Bennet 39
chris Wells 38
Mark McCarthy 25

.22 Class
Steve Youngs 44
Des Morris 34
Justin Rhone 34
Kev Turner 31
Luke Hermitage 26