Quote Originally Posted by Rickenbacker View Post
Keep some body-weight over the back block as you unscrew it (it's a fairly long thread), and it shouldn't surprise you too much.

There are some guns that require a spring compressor arangement, but a standard HW35 should be OK.

When re-assembling, that thread at the end of the cylinder is very sharp. So take care when you're pushing the piston back in... I lost a fair slice of finger flesh doing that once... and a fair amount of blood!
Good point (re sharp bits ) The edges of the slot when you remove the trigger unit (as a whole unit) can be razor sharp. Ive got the scars to prove it. Ten minutes with a needle file will sort it. The end block may need a little persuasion to start to move. I use a tight fitting spanner and a quick belt with a hammer (normal r/h thread) to get it started.
