Hi this is my first post so please be nice! Have been shooting air guns for over 50 years, a research and development scientist for about 40 years and yes you can breakdown krytox in a air gun but there is no doubt in my mind that its breakdown to TOXIC by products is related to compression temperatures. We all know that a drop of oil in the compression cylinder will cause dieselling (and this indicates very high temperatures), and usually the more powerful the air gun then the greater diesel effect. Here in Australia we do not have a 12 fpe limit and any air gun must have a licence (and I am impressed what you folks can do with sub 12 fpe air guns) but now shrouded air guns are illegal (unless it was a shrouded gun licensed up to a year or so ago) so thus my interest in spring guns of high power and quietness (compared to most pcps of commensurate power). I have spent over a year working over a UK built Webley Patriot in .25 cal (yes I know it's big, heavy and hard to cock (I'm 68 years old with arthritis) but it's simple to work on (5 minute tear down) but it "tears apart" Krytox especially noticeable if shot inside or on a wind free verandah. You leave quick! It is much worse than Chlorine gas and that is bad enough for your lungs. Using kryox and Moly with .25 cal H&N FTT I observed and average velocity of 853 f/s; switching to all Moly lube 858 f/s (and smoke or fumes unlike krytox). I'll stick to moly especially since my mv's are now above 900 f/s with this pellet. Yes the velocity data is correct as both my Oehler and CED Mk2 agree and yes I can hit the broadside of a barn. So, is kytox for you? If you cannot notice even the slightest smell (inside/low airflow) then stick with it.