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Thread: Scores Spring series 2015 MPL and gasser series

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Updated - some great shooting by Mark with his 75 and so close to a 50 on one card with it too - well done mark.


  2. #32
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Scores updated to include May running totals

    Keep those scores coming my way

    Best cheers

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Thanks for getting the scores in from sunny France chaps and Duncan is going to beat us up now he is on song with his FWB 80


  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    East Chinnock
    Quote Originally Posted by zooma View Post
    I have noticed that some of the MPL pistol shooters are recording scores higher than those recorded by the Gasser pistol shooters.

    This is not particularly unusual at 6 yards, but it does make you wonder why we all stump up so much cash for PCP match pistols when some of the better spring powered and SSP pistols can produce results that can be just as good - and sometimes better !

    I am also aware that CO2 powered air pistols always seem a little "kinder" or are rather more "tolerant" when compared with PCP match pistols that can punish a poorly executed shot rather more severely.

    We have club members that can produce excellent results at 10 meters with their spring powered Feinwerkbau Model 65 and 80 pistols and others that can also score as well with their SSP pistols so this is not a phenomenon that only affects 6 yard shooters.

    We also have members and guests that shoot their Feinwerkbau Model 2, C10 and C20 and Walther CP2, CP3 and CPM-1 CO2 pistols just as well ( and sometimes better) than their PCP match pistols.

    It is certainly less tiring to shoot PCP or CO2 air pistols than MPL class spring or SSP air pistols but they do not automatically produce higher scores.

    Any thoughts.......?
    Hi Bob,
    my thoughts are that given a perfect execution any decent target pistol will score an inner 10 at 6m or 10m. So no reason why an PCP should, inherently, score higher than a SSP or springer.
    The 'BUT' is, in my experience, anything less than very good execution with a springer WILL punish you but this is less so with a SSP or PCP.
    The other thing is effort - My scores over a 60 shot match with an SSP or springer certainly deteriorate in the second half (witness my March and April scores in the MPL - shot as 60 consecutive shots and the second 30 shots was 9 points down on the first 30). When I used to shoot 60 shot matches I always took the full 90 minutes to do so and would sit down and rest every 15 - 20 shots or so - even when using a CO2 or PCP pistol - there is still the effort of holding the thing up even if you avoid the cocking effort!

    It would be interesting to try comparing a single shooter's scores in a 60 shot match using a PCP with a 60 shot match using a springer or SSP AND a volunteer loader to get rid of the cocking effort...

    Now I do not compete seriously any more I tend to shoot muscle power pistols more simply because I enjoy their less clinical, more mechanical feel (and the FWB 80 is perfect in this respect - lovely engineered lumps of metal moving about )...

    Last edited by Frog; 06-06-2015 at 12:01 PM.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Rossendale and Formby

    Almost Finished!

    The recent warm weather has tempted me out to catch-up on my competition cards.

    I have completed my Spring Summer 2015 Gasser pistol series now and almost completed my MPL pistol series too !

    As expected my scores with the Pardini P10 ( an old SSP pistol) are better then I could achieve with my new ( and much better....) Pardini K12 Junior

    The Pardini P10 that I have been using in this series has developed a "technical issue" and needs "sorting" before I can complete round 6 , but I do have another old P10 ( don't ask) so I will see which one needs the least work to get back into prime shooting condition to finish the series with.

    I really get on well with the old SSP match pistols (and the Pardini P10 is perhaps my favourite SSP pistol) but given the age and condition of my own "high milage" P10 examples, if I ever get a chance to pick up another "younger" example (at a fair price) I would be very tempted to buy it ! A rough example could become another restoration project ( or at worst a very useful future source of scarce spare parts) and a really nice example would be lovely to own and shoot.

    My own P10 match pistols are not actually that reliable to be honest.... but to be fair I have never owned a "mint" or "original condition" one and maybe that has got something to do with it.

    The trigger on my own P10 pistols are quite "variable" and each has it's own "character" ( in other words they are different to each other) and cannot be adjusted to feel the same as each other, and despite new seals they shoot at different speeds too!

    I have the same sort of love/hate relationship with my Pardini P10 air pistols that I had with my old Alfa cars and perhaps that is what makes them so irresistible to me.

    A sensible person would probably just walk away and buy something a bit more reliable - but when they are working I really do love shooting them

    Maybe it is the forced delay between shots ( it takes longer to cock an SSP than a PCP pistol) that helps with the concentration or maybe it is the whole cocking and loading process that helps (?) but whatever it is I cannot explain it but I can't help to notice that I am not the only one that gets on better with the older and more simple spring powered or SSP match pistols.

    Very strange..
    Last edited by zooma; 02-07-2015 at 03:07 PM.
    Rossendale Target Shooting Club. Every Tuesday and Thursday evening 7 - 10pm.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Rossendale and Formby

    Last Two Weeks to Submit your Scores.

    Today is 15th June and so there are just 15 days left to get all of our scores submitted to George so we can complete the 2015 competition.

    Although most of us just shoot against ourselves and for our own entertainment George has spoilt us again this year by making some really nice trophies so that just adds a nice touch to concluded the series with.

    Thanks George!

    Even if you are not likely to be a trophy winner his time - please complete your cards so you can see what you have acheived and to give yourself a "target" to try and beat in the next series.

    Thanks to everyone who have supported this series and I hope you have enjoyed it enough to take part in the next "shoot from home" competition that will run from July - December 2015.
    Last edited by zooma; 15-06-2015 at 02:20 PM.
    Rossendale Target Shooting Club. Every Tuesday and Thursday evening 7 - 10pm.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    The end is nigh, all scores updated including the overall scores for June, scores missing - send me your scores asap so we can close this comp and get the trophies out to you in a timely manner.

    Best cheers

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Scores coming quite nicely now - keep it up.


  9. #39
    Join Date
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    Rossendale and Formby
    I dragged my "show queen" Feinwerkbau 103 out of its case the other night and gave it a rare outing to finish my 2015 MPL pistol series off with.

    The pistol is magnificent but also quite rare these days and so I resist making it my "go to" choice of SSP match pistol as I want to keep it perfect and I prefer to use my old Pardini P10.. but every now and again it has to have some exercise and this seemed like the perfect opportunity to get it out from the dark and let it see some daylight.

    When I shoot this pistol it always feels like a "special event" - even though the score's always seem to be about the same as when I shoot my regular Pardini P10.

    I did have one fluke result where I scored a 48 ( my best card this season) but I still cannot hit a 50 ex 50 no matter how hard I try - even on the best of days - so if you are one of those super-skilled (or very lucky) shooters who has hit a "possible" when shooting in this 6 yard MPL competition - PLEASE send us a picture of it to inspire those of us that are less talented to try harder

    .....and even with a 48 on one card this was not my best monthly score total for this season so it looks like I may have "peaked" and cannot improve any more as when I get a good card I always seem to shoot a poor one to nullify any advantage I may have thought I had
    Last edited by zooma; 02-07-2015 at 07:01 AM.
    Rossendale Target Shooting Club. Every Tuesday and Thursday evening 7 - 10pm.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    More scores coming in and scores updated on here - you can see some trophy winners developing but some are still fluid depending on the new scores that come in. Hope you have enjoyed this competition that started in some horrid weather and is ending in the glorious summer sun.


  11. #41
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Rossendale and Formby
    Quote Originally Posted by thirdwheel View Post
    More scores coming in and scores updated on here - you can see some trophy winners developing but some are still fluid depending on the new scores that come in. Hope you have enjoyed this competition that started in some horrid weather and is ending in the glorious summer sun.

    It was good to see George and his family at RMTC last night when they arrived with a bag full of trophies for the top three shooters in each class of this competition as well as a special trophy for the youngest person to shoot with us this season.

    This competition closed on June 30th but we are still waiting for those last few scores to be sent to George so we can send out the trophies to those that have who have won them.

    As soon as we have all of the scores that we are waiting for George will show the final results here for everyone to see.

    Please check and let me know if you have won a trophy and send me you address by email or PM so I can send it to you. I do not keep a record of anyone's postal address as for some this has changed since we first started the MPL and I always like to check and make sure before sending anything that it is going to be sent to the right place

    Now would also be a very god time to enter for the new Autumn/Winter competition - and despite the name - it actually starts right NOW and runs through until just after Christmas on December 30th.
    Rossendale Target Shooting Club. Every Tuesday and Thursday evening 7 - 10pm.

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Rossendale and Formby
    The final date when any scores can be accepted for this competition is Friday 30th July - a whole month after the competition ended ! After this date no more scores will be accepted for the completed 2015 Spring Summer MPL postal series.

    This is a generous offer that is well within keeping of the very tolerant "rule makers and shifters" but we also have to be fair to those that did make the effort and complete their cards on time (or just a little late ) and declare the final results so we can send the trophies out to those who have won them.

    We cannot send the trophies out just yet as it is still possible for some of the positions at the top end of the table to change so we will have to wait until this declared closure date to make sure we send them to the correct people!

    Now would be a very good time to enter the new Autumn/Winter competition - and despite the name - it actually starts right NOW and runs through until just after Christmas on December 30th.
    Rossendale Target Shooting Club. Every Tuesday and Thursday evening 7 - 10pm.

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