I think this could be the best type of thread of all!

Join the club mate, problem is I still say that I'm not a collector which I'm not I just am addicted to all kinds if air rifles and some pistols!

I tell you one thing, you develop a real skill at getting away with it. Because I fix and tune allot of guns, I often get away with " I'm just fixing it then I'm going to sell it on" and hope she doesn't notice it's still with me when I get it out?

The problem is, that she is quite cleaver herself and knows allot more about rifles than my friends, so you must tread careful.

I say as long as the (addiction) doesn't come before your family and bills, then good for you, have fun and be happy, as I can tell you first hand, that having so many I often get exited to get a few out and have a play, because when you have so many there are always ones you forget about for a while, then when you finally do get them out, it's like having a new rifle all over again!

I for one love having loads and have done since I was a kid, I always had 4 air rifles and a gat gun

All the best