Personally, I have always found the NSRA staff helpful.

Ali Aitken very promptly answered a particular query I had about 10-metre shooting and his answer was sensible and in accordance with what I understood to be the rule. He was clearly against implementing any unneccessary restrictions and he favoured the least restricitive interpretation of the rule in question.

The incident with the .22 Lee Enfield sounds more like the result of a bloody-minded coach than anything to do with the NSRA. The NSRA hosts LWSR comps and it's shop sells .22 AR lookalikes so it does not seem to be them who would object to the use of a .22 Lee Enfield.

Prejudiced coaches like that one are to be found sometimes at most venues and should be politely told that what you are doing is in compliance with the rules. Such people will never change, I think.

It sounds like there is some dispute over whether it's the NSRA or their insurers who are insisting on these restrictions in respect of handloads.

Maybe, the best thing would be for anyone with a query about safety and insurance issues to attend the NSRA AGM and make a proposal or submit a question.