Now this a very big please, have any of you good chap on here a tin of JBS Extact pellets .177 at 8.44 gr,
Could you ,,please coul you tell me what there weights are over say 20to30 pellets ,it should be aprox around ish that weight . I have brand new tin here and was testing a new HuMa reg with them(nothing wrong with the reg by the way,,lush)I could not test it with them at all I had to use RWS super domes in the end,,why you ask,well,I weighed some and the 50 after that,not one say oh dear what is wrong here,
I find the weights went from 8.2 up as far as 9.4gr out of 50 pellets weighed ,most were 9gr a lot were 8.8
gr,8.6gr,whay TF is wrong .I have new se of scales ,my super domes are near as dam biz super
fields are brill.i made sure that scales are cal right and I get that From JBS pellets.Could you help please,they came from a fresh tube of pellet I got from the club Sunday last, ta ,,pops