I spent some time in Mid Wales at my sisters last week who has a large garden , was lucky enough to smuggle my Hw100 and my Hw77 both in .177 in the car without the mrs noticing that they took up quite a bit of room One nice evening after a couple of ciders decided to have a plink at a crows head spinner . First at 40y then 50, 60 and then 70y there was no wind at all and with the Hw100 it was easy so then switched to my SFS Hw77 and it was just as accurate at 70y as the Hw100 Just wish I had some empty 12g shells with me to have a go at the challenge . The next night I had another go but the wind had picked up not by much but made it much harder think long range plinking is best done in windless conditions especially if the wind is gusting slightly , It does make it much harder to judge correct windage