Hoorah ... result. Well done.


I think it was indeed you that informed us of the boil to size option. Cheers matey.

As you say, I don't think the resized ( boiled or otherwise ) should last much less than a shot in one. As it is now the right size there will be less friction so less wear, as you said. One could say that the overall life time is reduced slightly but most, if not all, of that will be the initial period of thousands of shots bedding in to size. Ten mins in the pan or several weeks and 40 quid's worth of pellets later. I'll go for Plan A.

Yup, you can lock the piston seal temporarily to stop it spinning whilst you resize with wet n dry and a drill. I like the idea that non fixed it's sort of self regulating. If you try and put on too much pressure at once then it spins and stops you taking too much off.