I have just received this from Hampshire
Possible Banning of lead in Ammunition. A joint press release from WESA and AFEMS (see
attachment) was made available. A few moments poking around on the Internet will show that what
was meant to be an objective analysis of potential dangers to health caused by the use of lead in
ammunition has been hijacked by certain pressure groups (this is my opinion, not NSRA’s) in order to
progress their ambitions to suppress both the shooting of game and shooting sports in general. A
decision made by less than knowledgeable politicians could have a massive impact on all forms of
shooting. This is why it is important to add your name to the petition being raised in the UK (see
NSR, NRA, etc. websites) to oppose any such measure, see
https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/112165 . Note that any ban will likely apply to all
ammunition, small-bore , air weapons, muzzle-loading, shot shells. I strongly suggest you take a few
minutes to get familiar with this debate.
Notes assembled by:
Colin Gadsden
Hampshire Representative to the NSRA Shooting Council
29 November 2015