Hello to All,

I have just got a 1974 Webley Mk3 Supertarget.

Can you please let me know of any tips/wrinkles WRT to the care & feeding of this rifle ?

How often, and with what, would you lube the tap ?

What do you need to do to, and how would you, maintain the leather piston washer ? etc. etc.

Many Moons ago I would have said add a drop of moly/silicone oil (e.g.Abbey SM50) to closed tap every tin of pellets, and work in. Add a drop of moly/silicone oil into open tap, close tap and cock to draw oil into the compression chamber to feed the piston washer.

However, times have changed and I would like to know the current 'best practice' for looking after these classic rifles.

Many thanks

Have fun & a good Sunday

Best regards
