I'm putting CompAir together in conjunction with Rob Farnworth (the guy behind Shooting-the-Breeze), and so we thought it best that Rob take care of the announcement on STB - but many thanks for the thought!

In between numerous trips for counselling as a result of the PTSD I suffered following Mr Blackscale's Page 3 photo shoot the other day (to quote Marlon Brando in Apocalypse Now - "Oh the horror! The absolute horror!"), I've been really chuffed with the response and interest that has been shown in the idea of a magazine dedicated to HFT and FT shooting, and a few of you have already come forward and offered to be regional reporters for their areas.

However, we still need to hear from folk in Scotland, the North of England (come on you lot from Rivi!), Wales and East Anglia (I never imagined that members of M.A.D. and Cambridge clubs were such shy, retiring types! )

We want to CompAir to cover HFT and FT shooting all over the UK, and to do this we need people on the ground in each part of the country who can feed in results and photos of their local shoots. If you would like to put together a report in the form of an article and send that through, then so much the better - but if you don't fancy that, just email over the results and some pictures and we'll do the rest

The first edition will be coming out in early March, and we look forward to your feedback and comments (good and bad!); it's a magazine about our sport and we want to hear from everyone so that we can deliver something that you enjoy and want to read.