I'm probably not alone with this one pretty sure there's another chap on here who has a love hate relationship with the 95

Ok over the last 10 years or so I must of owned a dozen HW95 models the old type pre K and K versions the last one I owned was a Luxus 95k about 2 years back.

Lovely looking gun but I didn't gel with it......read that as I didn't gel with any of them

Hence why I no longer own them

I even had a SFS tooooned version felt that wasn't any good either....

Ok stay with me on this one......few weeks back a chap down my club has a new 95k Luxus he bought late last year and it's lovely I actually like shooting it, very accurate with no twang or vibration and the owner assures me it's never been opened up and is exactly how he bought it from the shop.

Now either he is very lucky and has got a Midweek gun or my past dozen or so offerings have all been Friday lemons

Which brings me on to my thread title has hans put a little more effort into the latest 95's or am I in cuckoo land....again