Quote Originally Posted by thisisdonald View Post
If you think about light travelling through the scope, it is designed to transmit right through the centre. Now if your zero is say high and right toward the 1 oclock, really extremely due to a bent barrel or bad mounts, then your eye will be looking at the cross hairs high and right. Now if you take into consideration the quality of the scope, this could mean that you are not getting the clearest image.. even scopes priced over 100 pounds can be blurry at the edges on higher mag..

If you take these things into account, it starts to make sense to try and have your zero fall as close to the optical centre of the scope as possible.

NOW if you take into account all the years we just plonked scopes onto rifles and zeroed them without taking any special efforts to have scopes centred or straight, and had great fun in ignorant bliss, i guess it really doesnt matter unless it gets into your brain.. or you are a extreme long distance precision shooter
Total agree with you Donald other wise you will be hanging plumb lines every where and getting weird glint in the eyes after all not all rifles have scopes so get out there and have fun wonky scope and all