Price Difference between Mail Order and Shops

Work it out, one is Stocked & Staffed and normally in a good Location
With high building & running costs

Another is buried away and only staffed fully when orders arrive
In many cases, not needing to keep much stock until orders arrive.

As many firms these day's offer lower prices when you do not have to deal with people
As order on Line , less 5-10% of prices - services.

Workers need paying and a place to work

What really get's me is Shooters that spend Hours in a Shop
looking at possible outfit's
To go away and buy via Mail Order
Then have check to walk into the shop and ask the Dealer to set up the outfit for them
Which they most probably would have done if they had purchased it from them

Service costs money

But as many are finding out the hard way when buying a Gun
that they often go wrong and need to be returned to supplying dealer
And carriage for Gun's is getting very expensive these days and can easerly wipe out any earlier savings.