Quote Originally Posted by The Reverend View Post
Unfortunately until then, I'm just the arsehole, a killjoy and an unwanted opinion.
Not so. You are right, If the people running it are so stupid to allow that sort of behaviour they should not even consider opening at all, they have a duty to make and supervise a safe environment to all attending.
My 9 year old Daughter told a group of shooters at our club today about safe gun handling, do not loose the barrel on your spring gun and also do not walk around with it unbroken and make sure its pointed over the firing line. They listened and ignored her, she asked them several times. Obviously thought just a kid don't have to abide by what she says. Where upon my mate who was with her told them she was correct he is a little larger and more frightening in appearance than her, they soon changed their minds. Just saying my 9 year old has common sense and safe gun handling something they are laking in.