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Thread: Airsporter vauation

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    East Sussex, Nr Rye
    Solid price realised.

    Mint in box, or at least factory fresh not fired are becoming increasingly difficult to find. The box is cardboard so is important only in that it ensures the contents are beyond reproach. Best if rifle is in plastic, as some packing comes with its own dangers.
    Time sitting doing nothing brings its own problems. Really does require best dry storage conditions. When it goes wrong it happens fast. Undetected and damage, rust goes deep.
    I'm a strong believer in factory fresh from 1979/80 onwards. Before that its just condition. That start time line because manufacturing changed and the mass market took off again. It was the start of the next "age" of airgun shooting.

    So boxed or just factory fresh is because a "new" gun has an appeal all by itself, like a mint coin or stamp. The negative, huge negative, is they can't be used. They don't even have to work. Some of the plastics can't be touched as they will self destruct. If you want to shoot the type then there are plenty of very nice used ones for that, and without any premium. In truth the premium isn't enough to justify the rarity or give any return. The collectors enjoyment of ownership is the return.

    Some people buy into mint some don't, its their choice. I think its good for some to be kept "perfect", when there are so many not. If you come across a minter and want to shoot the rifle, just sell it on and buy a user... and take a profit if you get it cheap enough. Well thats what I do.

  2. #17
    Airsporterman's Avatar
    Airsporterman is offline Makes Scrooge look Happy and Generous!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Muskett View Post
    Solid price realised.

    Mint in box, or at least factory fresh not fired are becoming increasingly difficult to find. The box is cardboard so is important only in that it ensures the contents are beyond reproach. Best if rifle is in plastic, as some packing comes with its own dangers.
    Time sitting doing nothing brings its own problems. Really does require best dry storage conditions. When it goes wrong it happens fast. Undetected and damage, rust goes deep.
    I'm a strong believer in factory fresh from 1979/80 onwards. Before that its just condition. That start time line because manufacturing changed and the mass market took off again. It was the start of the next "age" of airgun shooting.

    So boxed or just factory fresh is because a "new" gun has an appeal all by itself, like a mint coin or stamp. The negative, huge negative, is they can't be used. They don't even have to work. Some of the plastics can't be touched as they will self destruct. If you want to shoot the type then there are plenty of very nice used ones for that, and without any premium. In truth the premium isn't enough to justify the rarity or give any return. The collectors enjoyment of ownership is the return.

    Some people buy into mint some don't, its their choice. I think its good for some to be kept "perfect", when there are so many not. If you come across a minter and want to shoot the rifle, just sell it on and buy a user... and take a profit if you get it cheap enough. Well thats what I do.
    I think I would tend to agree with a lot of that!

    I am a Man of La Northumberlandia, a true Knight and spend my days on my Quest (my duty nay privilege!) and fighting dragons and unbeatable foe, to right the unrightable wrongs, to bear with unbearable sorrow and dreaming my impossible dreams.

  3. #18
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    Hi lads sorry I did not get back on yesterday to busy polishing my new airsporter , yes thats wright i was the one who wanted it that bad. The truth is I remember these guns from when I was a kid admiring them in our local shop Mark Taylors it sold toys, bikes and right at the back on the right hand side was air guns b.s.a ,webley,gat, diana the odd daisy then later a.s.i. but it was the mercurys and airsporters I wanted but you know when your 9-10 its way out of reach. As I got older weirauchs came into fashion Mark Taylors went and for my 13th birthday I received a hw77 tuned from the air gun centre which was brill way better in my youthful opinion than anything else. But has I got older I still found myself hankering for those B.S.As at one point owning then stupidly selling a stutzen.So I have now made my mind up that my funds from stopping smoking (£60.00 a week) will go to start me a little collection of some of the memories I have. The gun in question hasn't been bought to shoot I will get a used one for that but it will be in a display cabinet to be taken out and admired and who knows maybe in a good few years time when I pop me clogs some other lucky bugger will have it to look at .Did I pay over the odds well maybe but look at it this way I live in west cumbria, to go any where out of the county is a ball ache, take into consideration petrol,time and all the other crap you seem to spend on a journey I think you can knock the very expensive commission off the price, also got a little background on the gun so knew it was genuine.
    The gun is absolute mint and I have s410s and a fac wildcat to shoot so I can just about leave it alone till i get some older springers to shoot.
    Anyways hope I haven't bored you and thanks very much for the help at the start.
    p.s. I stopped smoking over 3 years ago and my god those pounds quickly add up

  4. #19
    Join Date
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    East Sussex, Nr Rye
    I have two of my favourite air rifles. Enjoy

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Fair play i am the same with other things, if you enjoy it then price is irrelevant.

    Given what the other junk went for its not all that bad of a price!

    Err and you need to share the love, pictures please!

  6. #21
    Airsporterman's Avatar
    Airsporterman is offline Makes Scrooge look Happy and Generous!
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    My post no 15 wasn't wide of the mark then - well done!
    Values for rifles like this are very subjective - I always look at it - if I am happy with what I have paid for something - that's good enough for me!
    The price you pay is soon forgotten!
    If you pay over the odds - it will only affect you should you come to sell it on, in my case, I have never sold any of my Airsporters on - so that wouldn't bother me.

    I paid over the odds for my Centenary (£400) but it's in very nice condition but is a 'shooter' I am not worried about shooting/devaluing it.
    When the time comes to sell it on - I certainly will not be worried about it!

    I have a boxed mint Mk5 I bought when I got my first apprenticeship wages back around 1974/5, I had to save for it but it was a promise to myself - I have shot with it (very seldom) but I bought an old Mk4 which I used before that as my 'shooter'. (The Mk5, indeed all my rifles are probably worth far more to me than anyone else!)
    If you can - try and get a good Mk1 or 2 as a 'shooter', many rate them as a better rifle - however, all the Airsporters are fine shooters in my opinion, some just different to others!

    Enjoy the 'ownership' - I know what that is about, I shoot with all mine, well have in the past - just the ownership satisfies me at the moment until I can get back into range mode!

    I am a Man of La Northumberlandia, a true Knight and spend my days on my Quest (my duty nay privilege!) and fighting dragons and unbeatable foe, to right the unrightable wrongs, to bear with unbearable sorrow and dreaming my impossible dreams.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    I think you paid a fair price to be honest. there are lots of MK6's but not many are mint, so it should hold its money and I dont think you would lose on it.

  8. #23
    Join Date
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    East Sussex, Nr Rye
    I've been looking for a mint Webley Vulcan MKI for a while; for the challenge. A few well used ones but non mint. Loads of MII's.
    Some of the very common rifles are incredibly difficult to find factory fresh. When they do come up snap them up.

    (Dean hows my ProSport?).

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