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Thread: Redhill Revolvers Results 12/11/16

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Redhill Revolvers Results 12/11/16

    This month saw the final round in the pistol HFT league and the weather did not let us down WET in fact over the year we have had only one dry set up so my heart goes out to the course setters along with a big thanks. Champion places were pretty much decided but it was all guns a blazing for the second and third positions in both recoiling and non recoiling sections. The results were as follows but I would like to say a big well done to Joe Ruddock who stepped up and showed both myself and hid dad how he can really shoot with a fantastic personal best and one of the best scores for a junior.

    Non Recoiling
    Bob Northern...Crosman 1377.........43
    Paul Clarke...Crosman 2240.........37
    Maurice Burnand...HW75........37
    Steve Hancock...HW40........37
    Dave Bourgault..AF1....36
    Joe Ruddock(J)...Luv21........36
    Dhiraj Parmar...HW75.........34
    Graham Ruddock..Compact.........34
    Pete Chesterton...Air match........32
    Howard Warner...Orig 6..29
    Rosa Simonsen...HW40........28
    Iain Graham...HW40..24

    Keval Chudasama...Hurricane.......35
    Steve Prime...Diana LP8.........34
    Kev Overton...HW45.........33
    Bharat Rathod...Tempest........22
    John Masterson...Diana LP5........16

    Thanks to all again for your support and help and don't miss the Dec 10th shoot with mulled wine, mince pies and festive fun shoot.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    A difficult course that was - first target, a 10mm reducer and single handed shot, in the wind, and the rain

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