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Thread: Lukasz Parsley ??

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by deanw5262 View Post

    It is hot time. Katie is also much better and preparing to birth in two weeks.
    Cue the next excuse

    If he's got a new investor (ie, someone putting new cash into the business) why won't he return deposits as requested

    .... Robbing bastard.

    Again, I hope I'm wrong and, good luck to you all.

    All of the above.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    He sounds full of Sxxt

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by lensman57 View Post
    He has now packed up his facebook page with only a single post remaining and someone thanking him for the nice stock that he had made for him.
    Did anyone here recieve the stock or a refund from him since his last promise? I think that unfortunately our money is no longer ours and no stock either.

    maybe .

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by deanw5262 View Post
    His FB page and his website are still up as far as I can see . Its 12 months tomorrow when I placed my order and I've been on his case most of that time but he seems to be a law to himself , makes a load of promises and then ignores you . This was The email I sent him Thursday night:-

    Well it's obvious you haven't died as your posting on FB . So could you please return my deposit as it would appear you have no intention of making the stock . Think I have been very patient but you think its OK to treat your customers like crap...There are a lot of people who are not impressed with the way you are conducting your business

    This was his reply :-


    I actually have extreemly good news.
    not sure if wrote about this to You as there is so much backlogged emails.

    it is a reason I've dissapeared from facebook fanpage for last two months.
    We focused on workshop work not computer.
    We made some steps forward and fight back. Earned some money and started milling process.
    Bought materials, milled stocks and started to diggin ou of troubles with success.
    I've milled circa 20 stocks now.
    Your stock is one among oters is milled too- I will show You pictures tommarow
    how system fits and how is the wood grain.

    this is not end of good news.
    We found investor.
    We are during preparations for CNC production.
    we already have 3d model in CAD.
    hitting market soon for my coming back to buisness.
    first is TAC2 model for HW97/77.
    Best quality, best materials, hope to stay to good prices.
    we will sell it direclty and through distributors in whole UE.

    We redesgiend also our adjusting kits and buttpads for better stability.
    All backlogged stocks including Your will have new parts fitted.

    We are ending bad era, two years of struggle.
    Huge backlogs and personal problems and startinng new era.
    with high quality stocks ready to order instantly.

    It is hot time. Katie is also much better and preparing to birth in two weeks.

    So generally it is much better and sharing news with all one by one now.
    definatley soon we will make some announcmet on Fanpage.
    but I want to wait for final moment when all will be fully set with current backlog.
    We are still having few last clients - with big time loop, but also already sent few most backlooged
    (even a year) and already getting extreemly warm feedback.

    so hear You tommarow with pictures of Your TAC2.
    It is one of the last stocks made by hand.

    kindest regards

    And as usual he didn't bother posting any pics , but I will carry on trying to get my stock or money back.

    Only aware of one person getting their stock and that's in the sales section on here
    Hi Dean,

    The page is still there but he has deletd all the posts asking why he did not return people's money or delivered the stocks along with a long post from him along the same lines of his reply to your email. In anycase I have sent a polite message through his contact form on his new site. Surprising that I found a thread on the 16th Nov 2016 about someone asking about stock makers and he suddenly turned up asking for the inleting dimensions so he must have some sort of " Spike " set up and he knows when people are talking about him on various forums. All promises and hot air so far.


  5. #65
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    It's so funny how he keeps trying to hold this position... Like he's inocent., He just can't stand and be counted for who he is at all.... What a oily character!!
    "corners should be round" Theo Evo .22/.177 - Meopta 6x42, DS huntsman classic .20 vortex razor LH 3-15x42 under supervised boingrati tuning by Tony L & Tinbum, HW77 forest green - Nikon prostaff 2-7x32 plex.

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Hollesley, near Woodbridge
    Quote Originally Posted by rhyslightnin View Post
    It's so funny how he keeps trying to hold this position... Like he's inocent., He just can't stand and be counted for who he is at all.... What a oily character!!
    Yes, he's probably lucky he isn't in the UK as I'd suspect someone would have gone door knocking

    Not a laughing matter for those that have handed over money and got nothing in return though

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Your quiet welcome to post on the bullpup forum all this where couple of his very good friends are members also on the Facebook bullpup mad group where I no Lukas and hs friends are members where it won't be deleated posting where he or his shooting related buddy's can't see it isn't going to affect him. I no he's on most Facebook shooting related groups where he totes his business

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by MartynB View Post
    Yes, he's probably lucky he isn't in the UK as I'd suspect someone would have gone door knocking

    Not a laughing matter for those that have handed over money and got nothing in return though
    To my shame, the money I sent him which was 80% of the price of the stock, I borrowed from my wife. So it is not only annoying for me but also very embarrassing. Strange how people allow themselves to be dragged into situations like this.


  9. #69
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Is there no way of contacting the Polish police and getting some legal action going ?

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    There's a reason scammers use Western Union, I'm honestly surprised that wasn't the biggest red flag.

  11. #71
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Rooti McNote View Post
    Christ, seems to be the same old self indulgent BS while he touts for new deposit payments in pigeon english via his new website:

    If he owed me, like he owes you guys, I'd be spitting feathers...
    Could try Business house ....if he works for himself he will be on there ....full details of income and outlay.
    Find out where he lives .....hunt him down....ive done it before with other unscrupulous types.

  12. #72
    Murphy is offline Cooee! Chase me you naughty boys!
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by MrGrumpy View Post
    Is there no way of contacting the Polish police and getting some legal action going ?
    Our police are not interested in money owed so I doubt the Polish police are.
    Master Debater

  13. #73
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    New Milton, Hampshire
    Quote Originally Posted by MrGrumpy View Post
    Is there no way of contacting the Polish police and getting some legal action going ?
    EU small claims court.

    Depends on the amount owed as to if it's worth it, but it works up to 2500 euros I think.

  14. #74
    Join Date
    May 2015

    There is a God


    I have been debating for a while about a custom stock and was tempted to contact this chap vi his LP web page think Christ I logged on and had a read of this sorry tale.

    It grips me when people get ripped of if you make good product word gets around and orders come flying in however if you a pre small time and take a while to make the stocks say so do not be bloody greedy.

    I feel for all shooters that he has ripped off and will continue to hunt for a custom stock excuse the pun.

  15. #75
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    More bullpoop oh and a baby

    Hello all!

    This is the reason of dissapearance.
    We are back after three months of hard fight.
    Didnt had time for normality.
    I have bunch of good news!!!!
    Katie barely survived birth and last months were extreemly hard
    but this is the reason of which Im proud of- OLAF
    3970kg, 10/10 points, everything is ok.
    Katies is allive and now She is in stable state. Support machine was turned off and She continiue Her monthership with success.

    Now buisness:
    Lat months were not spent only on fighting with health.
    I did monstrous amount of work. working at nights and days. Worked on over 1,5 year of backlogs and still doing.
    People are angry but I didnt gave up, had to really think how to survive and how to find resources to continue my saga.
    I have informed fw of You through email and asked to spread the news.
    Milled over 15 stocks are are lying at moy benches, most of them ready to sand and finish. Sent few stocks already. And preparing other.

    We found investor!!!!!!!
    Im preparing to launch production of TAC2 stocks for HW97/77 rifle.
    First 10 pcs will be avilable within closest month- firt propably avilable directly.
    during 3d prototyping and preparing for CNC milling.
    I want best quality and best materials.

    I went also into fireamrs.
    I have done new model and done few stocks.
    Testing them.
    First stocks are for CZ550 308 win Varmint and for TIkka t3.
    We done laready films, picture and test and new model work perfect.
    it will b avilabe in walnut and laminates, also in my own special type of wood bond with pressure to barrel harmonics.

    I wil try to throw soon pictures from last months, You will see how my workshop looks alike and how much of stocks I did.
    It is sick amount of hard work and hard moments..

    It ws worth it.
    Katie is allive, Olaf is strong
    my workshop survived and we have light of hope for future.

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