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Thread: Walter CP88's in colors?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Jackson Township

    Walter CP88's in colors?

    I have recently acquired a pair of 4" barreled NOS Walther CP88'S. One is RED and the other is SIGNAL GREEN. According to the FACTORY markings on the boxes and the actual guns themselves, they were made this way from the factory (and NOT done aftermarket). Umarex USA and Chambers both have no idea as to why these are made in other than the standard blue/black or optional silver. Can anybody offer any idea as to what I have and why? Its already been suggested that they were part of a "special" run in Europe, but for whom and why is a mystery. Any information would be helpful, Thank you!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Could be an idea they tried out, displayed to vendors and at shows, but no-one liked the idea enough to have a run put into production.

    Or maybe prototypes if they were concerned that their guns might fall under legislation in some places (like here on airsoft) that requires "toy" or replica guns to be brightly coloured.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Definitely CP88's and not 99's as they've been in other colours?


    Any photos?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Meggadeath View Post
    I have recently acquired a pair of 4" barreled NOS Walther CP88'S. One is RED and the other is SIGNAL GREEN. According to the FACTORY markings on the boxes and the actual guns themselves, they were made this way from the factory (and NOT done aftermarket). Umarex USA and Chambers both have no idea as to why these are made in other than the standard blue/black or optional silver. Can anybody offer any idea as to what I have and why? Its already been suggested that they were part of a "special" run in Europe, but for whom and why is a mystery. Any information would be helpful, Thank you!
    Yeah these were definately for Holland, where they do not promote regular blacked pistols.
    Webley actually produced a run of Nemisis pistols in bright orange for them but these rules came in toward the end of webleys reign no orange or red tempests as far as i know.
    Umarex routinely do a run a of red ones for the Dutch market.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Jackson Township

    Red and Green CP88's

    Theses are definitely CP88's. If I could only figure out how to attach the pictures, then we would be all set. Oh, and I have a CP99 in bright ORANGE-strikingly UGLY!

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