I fear it is a pipe dream, however appealing.

Back when springers ruled in the 80s, there were at least a dozen places offering high end custom jobs, varying from just bunging a stock action in a CS stock and making vague claims that they had "tuned" it, to the full-on Venom and Airmasters stuff.

Now, V-Mach is basically Steve Pope. And there's SFS, Wonky, and that's about it. Because the same sort of person who in 1985 wanted a Mastersport 77 now wants a Daystate or a Steyr or an FWB FT rifle.

Worse, a lot of the real tuned springer lovers, many of whom are on here, have worked out that, if you are mechanically handy, you can equal or exceed the custom shop work in your own shed for less money.

We might all say on a thread that we'd buy a new super break barrel, but in practice how many of us in the real world would stump up 500 actual quids for something that is no better than a tuned HW (which we probably own more than one of already)?