Quote Originally Posted by NewPaul View Post
Blimey Tony - 5 years??? You can tell me about it at the Bash. Yep, 'funds received' is a nice marker for sure. Prioritise the TX fettle so that way you have a plink plonk to look forward to
Pauly, like yourself, I always look forward to plonky time anytime, no matter what I'm using (although the pump-up, SSP and CO2 ones have not been out for a play in yonks).

But, yes, I really need to make time to get the TX done.. Such a quick, easy thing to strip, too.

73 sleeps to go, peeps.

Pauly - see, we're nearlier, nearly there, mate. Remember on the November thread when I was dusting the sleepometer off and it was well over the 100 mark?