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Thread: FWB 300s and Diopter Sight questions

  1. #1
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    Nov 2008

    FWB 300s and Diopter Sight questions

    Hello, I have recently purchased a 300s off Poison Dwarf on here. I am very pleased with the gun but never having used one or a gun with diopter sights I have a few questions which I hope someone could answer for me

    First of all the gun, shoots ok I think, the action slides back upon firing but then seems to slide freely until it moves to the forward position where it seems to lock until fired again, is this normal? Velocity seems healthy with falcon accuracy plus running consistently @ 650fps.

    Now for the diopter sights, I was surprised that when I peep through the hole that I can see the whole of the foresight let alone the circle element it houses! Just had a plink in the garage where I aimed at marks putting them inside the for-sight circle which put the pellets where I wanted them, is the circle a usual type of element for target disciplines? If not what others are available? I would imagine that on a pukka 10 meter target, the circle would surround the whole of the black centre which would be ok so long as the pellets land in the middle!

    Ooh, one final thing, what is the diameter of the hole in a bell target, might make my self one to practice on.

    Thanks in advance, Max
    Plinkerer and Tinkerer

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Yes, a ring foresight is the norm for target shooting. You're allowed to use a post foresight, but very few shooters do.

    Yes the foresight ring will surround the whole target. It's recommended that the ring is quite a bit larger, large enough that the target doesn't touch the inside of the aperture as you aim; for NSRA targets that's around 4.0mm+.

    Focus on the foresight ring not the target; the foresight moves, the target does not. The target will appear a little blurred in the background, but this is OK.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Contact RobinC on here and purchase a copy of his very fine book. It will pay dividends, even if you are just shooting against yourself.
    Bin the Falcons and try some RWS Meisterkugeln and R10s. And go from there. Enjoy yourself

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Yes, the action slides about upon firing, until it slides forward again and locks.

    Im using falcons in mine for 25 meter benchrest, seem pretty accurate, and a dome head helps outside, over 25m.

    Our bell target at the club for vintage bell target is 3/8 inch (shot at 6yds)

    Enjoy your FWB! I love mine.
    Thanks - Geoff.

  5. #5
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    Nov 2008
    Thanks very much for the replies chaps, I do like the FWB, I have a good few air rifles but this is the first Target one so all a bit new. I will look into getting some wad cutters, all I have in stock are hobbies but I watched an american chap with a patch on his eye on Youtube who was using his outdoors with the falcons and AA 7,9 grain pellets to good effect. It was a bit difficult to see my target in the garage due to the light but I made a one hole group about 1/2" diameter at approx 10 meters so I was happy enough with that. Is there anywhere I can down load a pukka target to print out? Thanks again, Max
    Plinkerer and Tinkerer

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    You could have a look here for printable target - but be warned if you get hooked you'll want a proper pellet trap and card targets!



  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    You can download 6 yard and 10 metre targets from here:

    Although ok for practice, one thing you will find is that even wadcutter pellets will not cut a clean hole through photocopy paper. I've ended up buying NSRA targets as the holes are cleanly punched and you can use the excellent Targetscan phone app to score the cards and keep a record of progress ( Whilst they may seem expensive you can fire more shots per target as the holes are easy to distinguish unlike the home printed targets and you save on printer ink. Note that the NSRA Shop website only sells 3000 packs but you can phone up for smaller quantities. If you have a nearby club (which I'd recommend joining anyway) you should be able to buy smaller quantities off the club at a discount and also save postage costs.

    Hobby pellets are absolutely fine as are Gecos and there's no need to pay any more. Both are great value for money and unless you are a national standard shooter, as good as you need. The 300s will still shoot them practically through the same hole at 6 yards/10m.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    I see Paul beat me to it!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Thanks again fellas, great info Wouldn't mind purchasing some proper targets but 3000 may be a bit much! Will give the hobbies a try, I think I have some Geccos too.
    Plinkerer and Tinkerer

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Something that I picked up with the 300 is that you should always make sure that the sled has moved forward and relocked itself before cocking again - if you cock the rifle with the sled in the rear position, I gather it wears something out prematurely. I now have the habit where as I bring the rifle down, I 'shake' the whole thing forward to do this. Anyone care to confirm or rubbish this tip?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Download (free) and install SCATT Professional from :

    This will allow you to print a wide selection of targets, scaled to whatever distance you are shooting at - e.g. you can scale a 10 meter target to 6 yards etc.

    (Menu Tools --> Print Target)

    +1 on getting a copy of Mr. Carters book - it is so good I would sacrifice one of my bollocks for a copy if needed

    Have fun & a good weekend

    Best regards


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Hi Russ, thanks for that, I will investigate and download. Cheers Max
    Plinkerer and Tinkerer

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    In answer to several questions, ref. 300S rifles, yes you should 'tip' them after each shot see reply on another thread in this section. Traditional bell target face dimensions are:- centre hole 3/8" dia. then another ring [4] at 1" dia. then another [3] at 2" dia. and the last one [2] at 3" dia. then the last one [0] at 4" dia. the plate is 5" dia. The hole has a military connotation supposedly replicating a mans head at 100 yds. As for front sights, ring elements in metal [with cant bars] or plastic in assorted colours and sizes [ see Andy Lawrence's website for a mind blowing array] are the most common, being theoretically easier for the brain to assimilate a series of circles in line, but some people prefer post or blade elements, this is your personal choice so do not be influenced by others, make your choice and use it.
    As a basis for size you have to use a little imagination for this explanation; use trigonometry to get the size of your aiming mark / black dot, at the distance of your front sight of the rifle from the target; put a square frame around this circle; work out the length of the corner to corner diagonal of the square and this is the minimum size of fore sight ring for that target. Having said that, some people will happily shoot bell with a 2mm ring while others use as much as 4.5 mm [ mine is 4mm] the objective is to be able to keep the aiming mark within the fore sight ring, not have a 'now you see it now you don't' scenario, so age, eyesight, ability all have abearing on it.
    Hope this helps more than it confuses.

  14. #14
    RobinC's Avatar
    RobinC is offline Awesome Shooting Coach and Author.
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    To really learn you will have to buy my book, but I have emailed you one of my very basic Coaching notes on Aiming, hope it helps. If any one else would like it just e mail me.

    The vaguaries of the correct aiming process is a very missunderstood subject.

    Have Fun,
    Walther KK500 Alutec expert special - Barnard .223 "wilde" in a Walther KK500 Alutec stock, mmm...tasty!! - Keppeler 6 mmBR with Walther grip and wood! I may be a Walther-phile?

  15. #15
    garym is offline Outruns Death in his slippers
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    Nov 2015
    Great thread so a little bump.��
    Anyone have a link to Robin's book?
    New to diopter shooting, help needed.
    Haenel 311, 312 and a FWB 300su.
    Thanks Gary

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