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Thread: Off the back of another thread ... Part-used CO2 capsules - leave in or take out?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Off the back of another thread ... Part-used CO2 capsules - leave in or take out?

    As it says really.

    I ended up with a CO2 pistol since the prospect of pumping every time I take a shot lost it's appeal ... for now.

    So, part used CO2s. Leave them in or take the out? I was told to take them out, but to be fair I know nothing.



  2. #2
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    Jul 2010
    I keep the seals oiled and always leave gas in, I often leave an empty CO2 in often for months at a time. I'm not saying this is the right thing to do and everyone has a different opinion. I've posted this before but the way I see it is this:

    The seal is designed to expand and contract in order to give a gas tight seal, it is made of a material designed to do this. As long as you avoid making the seal brittle it will do its job.

    One way of avoiding the seal getting brittle is to keep it moist with a suitable oil that will not leach the plastisizer out of the material, when you gas up a gun put a drop of this oil (I see nothing wrong with Pellgun oil, others might have an alternative that is cheaper) on the CO2 and the oil will stay in place as long as the CO2 is there.

    The other way of making it brittle is to make it hard. You can avoid this by making sure a CO2 cart is empty before removal. Once the CO2 is removed and starts to vent onto the seal it will cool it, this will obviously harden the surface of the seal and also causes the seal to contract (from the temperature change which can be extreme) at the same time it is expanding (as the pressure from the CO2 cart is relieved).

    So when you combine a dry seal, that is being contracted by freezing gas while simultaneously being expanded by the drop in physical pressure being placed on it you quickly end up with a dodgy seal.

    My thoughts, keep em lubed, shoot it till empty before removing, but do not worry if you leave it gassed or with an empty CO2 in it.

    I've never had a seal fail in any of my 22 CO2 guns (many with multiple magazines).

    Others may disagree and that's fine, but this works for me.
    Great Deals with : Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich

  3. #3
    harvey_s's Avatar
    harvey_s is offline Lost love child of David Niven and Victoria Beckham
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    ...Now I'm the other way, I NEVER leave my guns gassed unless its going to be short term (2-3 days).
    Any longer than that and the gun is degassed and left empty so that the cartridge seal doesn't take a set.
    However, if it was a gun that had a 'wet' gas chamber (eg Crosman 150) where the end plug sealed the gas, not the co2 cartidge neck then I wouldn't worry so much - but to be honest I'd probably leave that empty too...
    My guns too keep their seals just fine as well (and I do have about 10 off them) - welcome to the wonderful world of co2 airguns

  4. #4
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    Who needs consensus anyway?

  5. #5
    harvey_s's Avatar
    harvey_s is offline Lost love child of David Niven and Victoria Beckham
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    With no disrespect to blooregard intended at all, as his way is time-proven to him...
    But if in doubt the safest way has to be to leave the gun longer term with the seal in it's most natural and unstressed state...but happy to be educated if someone has a theory as to why it's actually beneficial to leave the capsule in rather than it not doing any harm.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    The manual for mine says take it out.

  7. #7
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    But that may be a safety suggestion?

    I think I agree with Harvey S.

    The only manual that I have seen that says leave it in is my SW 78g.
    A gun that I have a lot of respect for.

  8. #8
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    Saxmundham, Suffolk

    Keeoing CO2 Pistol Gassed Up.

    I have a SMK CP1-M - the manual is very clear that you should never leave the CO2 capsule in for any length of time and tells you how to discharge a partially used one.

    The consensus from some very experienced club members is that the neck end of the capsule will flatten the seal which will eventually fail to re-seal. A drop of gun oil on each capsule can help keep that seal pliable.

    Like everything else we all have our own ideas and practices, go along with what you feel most comfortable with, good luck and enjoy.


  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by harvey_s View Post
    but happy to be educated if someone has a theory as to why it's actually beneficial to leave the capsule in rather than it not doing any harm.
    Let me just clarify, I don't intentionally leave an empty CO2 in (though it has happened).

    I just never take out a CO2 that isn't empty. The seals are hardy bits of kit and I think that incorrect or a lack of lube, and the physical expansion coupled with thermal compression and hardening is what kills seals.

    I suppose my messages is: Keep the seal lubed and do not take the gas out unless it is empty, but most of all do not worry too much about the seal. Its likely a cheap metal component will fail before it does.

    As an aside, I remember that I last shot my Walther lever action in late summer 2015. It still has the same 2 12grams in it and is still holding gas! It must be 15 years old and is still on the factory seals.
    Great Deals with : Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich

  10. #10
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    I never leave capsule in place, either empty or part used.

    As already said, removing a part used capsule need to be done VERY slowly, otherwise a fast blast of CO2 will freeze the seal and do them no good at all.

    I use a tiny drop of Pelgun oil on the tip of each capsule.
    FAS 604, Remington 1911, Colt SAA, HW45, BSA Mercury, Winchester underlever (Walther), SMK QB78

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by gingernut View Post
    But that may be a safety suggestion?

    I think I agree with Harvey S.

    The only manual that I have seen that says leave it in is my SW 78g.
    A gun that I have a lot of respect for.
    That's right. '' It is recommended that the pistol be stored with a full or partially full CO2 cartridge in place''. That's why I leave my 79G with one in. I appreciate that with all the different makes and models available it's difficult to get a definitive answer.

  12. #12
    throdgrain is offline There I was minding my own business......
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    I forgot to take one out of my 2240 once, it froze on there, was a nightmare to get off. Never again.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by throdgrain View Post
    I forgot to take one out of my 2240 once, it froze on there, was a nightmare to get off. Never again.
    Open the chamber, cock it and pull the trigger. It will pop right out.

    If it froze then warm it up, simple!

    Same for all of the 22xx guns.
    Great Deals with : Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich

  14. #14
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    I have a Benjamin rifle which refuses to let an empty capsule go.
    I have to attach a long car magnet rod ,cock and fire and then it comes out.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    If the capsules are empty I take them out.

    If partially full I leave them in - often for months at a time and have never had a problem.

    I am not making a recommendation but merely stating my experience.

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