Quote Originally Posted by Rift View Post
As a consumer I think the "Worlds" is my oyster (see what I did there ?)

WOSHFT rules -
Again set to UKAHFT rules with no stander. Tick
Crisps of various flavour left at pegs. Tick
Calling of targets allowed under pain of death. Unless Lucky Larkin, twice
Course setter smells of cheap red wine. Tick
and is often injured in hotel bathrooms. And elsewhere.
Can be unreliable in the rainy season as his car doesn't float. New car with snorkel required
Has a sidekick who may try to sell you lucky heather. Well lets face it we need it..
Venue TBA but somewhere in deepest hobbit country. Or the galaxy.
Main prize may include a ride on a unicorn or "manly hug". Here is hoping you win lover.

Wow...how lucky are we eh... unless its clear and closer than it looks. Still makes me smile..
You are so insigthful will make sure Spongey puts you down for two bags of crisps.
