As a consumer I think the "Worlds" is my oyster (see what I did there ?)

UKAHFT rules - tried and tested, tweaked over many years to suit the equipment avaliable and types of venue. Allows anyone to turn up with any legal equipment and enjoy the shoot but also allows the competitive, commited shooter to test themselves against like minded shooters with technical challenges and tough environmental considerations.
Courses set by various teams and individuals, experienced by setting out regularly to a defined set of specifications that are consistent both nationally and internationally.
Shot weekly at many clubs around the country with club and regional series competitions, oversubscribed National rounds and a sold out World Championship that sees international shooters travel from many Countries to take part.
Prizes range from "bonus bunny cash pots" including a number of £500. Scopes & equipment, & high end rifles from many top level sponsors.

Masters rules - been running a couple of years, based on the UKAHFT rules with minor tweaks to remove supported positionals which suit individuals taste. Individual competitions shot at various hoasting venues around the country to create a series, set out exclusively by the organisers.
Created an encompassing organisation to include other Countries who can host a European Championship to their rules.
Prizes range from cash, equipment and end of series rifles from BSA.

WOSHFT rules - Again set to UKAHFT rules with no stander. Crisps of various flavour left at pegs. Calling of targets allowed under pain of death. Course setter smells of cheap red wine and is often injured in hotel bathrooms. Can be unreliable in the rainy season as his car doesn't float. Has a sidekick who may try to sell you lucky heather.
Venue TBA but somewhere in deepest hobbit country.
Main prize may include a ride on a unicorn or "manly hug". lucky are we eh....