Quote Originally Posted by Gerard View Post
Well if one follows Clarky's thread and modifies the weight of the piston (adding 18 grams to the head of the spring) and the type of spring itself, velocity comes up fairly easily to the 460's with a 7.5gr pellet. Not a lot of effort to bump pellet speed around 90fps over factory specified velocity.
But for accuracy, well... your mileage may vary. Admittedly I haven't put in a lot of hours with mine yet, though I intend to this summer as it'll be along on camping trips. But so far I'm lucky if I can hole 1.5" groups at 6 metres. I can hold 1/2" at that distance with a Pardini K12, owing to the many hours put in training for formal 10 metre competition. Haven't pursued a two-handed grip on the LP53 either which might be key - I just don't like shooting that way, single handed seems more appropriate for pistol to me.
The 53 will quite happily climb to almost 500 fps with my mods and i can repeatedly produce 20mm gps
This evening i just managed a 12 mm group. It takes real practice but its in the gun unlike many other springer pistols.
Thats the key with the 53...Its there...you just need to drag it out.
To help, you need my mods....running one spring P18 or Cometa....run it on Delrin or stainless guide and top hat. Then you want JSB exact or Falcon....
Neatsfoot lube the head....no dieseling after a few clearing shots......then a medium tight Isocoles hold.
Raise the pistol slowly to the bull with the first pressure taken up.....then squeeze just as the sights come up on the base of the bull and the recoil will take that same movement upward in a straightline.
Ive produced tiny groups like this.
The Falcons hit 495 fps with the Exacts running around 465 fps...

Further....forget any comparisons being made with the Lucznik ....The trigger just isnt in the same league and cannot compete once the 53 is set up correctly..
The quality of the grip is greater and gives more control and the quality of the internals and rifling is simply better.