Not sure how much this might interest people. but I have a small collection of Bell targets of various ages, some info is added to each photo. The last three are all made by myself; to my own desighn, 3rd last is 1/3 size, so that a 'handle-able' target could be used to show people the principles and from just 6ft looks the same as a full size one at 18ft; the second last was made because a comment was made about how useful it would be to have one that looked the same, but pretty much at arms length, hence this one is 1/6 size [ the hole being 1/16"]; looks the same at 3ft, the last one was just me being silly, size = 1/12th, the hole size is 1/32" [0.75mm]. All of them are fully functional but as yet have no light or sound, W. I. P.
Have a browse, not everyone's cup of tea I'm sure, but someone might like them and there is some history for people interested in Bell Target per se.
Cheers ATVB