Quote Originally Posted by BarnsleyBob View Post
Blimey, thanks Mick! To be honest I was happy to leave my £20 in the pot as I'd had to cancel at short notice, so I'm prepared to chip in again if it'll help.

Have all Boinger folk got bad backs?

Mine's got steadily worse over the last 8+ years now. 2x MRI's, loads of different treatments (inc. facet joint injections- ouch!) have all failed and it's been diagnosed as degenerative disc disease with a couple prolapsed in the lumbar. Sometimes I have good days where you'd think "there's nowt bloody wrong with him" but many others where I need a stick and walk like a 95yr old. Unfortunately the surgeon doesn't want to operate, as I still have feeling in my legs and control of bodily functions!

A doc put me on Tramadol t'other week and I subsequently spent 4 days high as a kite before telling the Mrs I'd had enough and stopped taking it. I promptly went 'cold turkey' with sweats, shivers, nausea, blurred vision and 'restless skin' meaning 48 hours without sleep. It took as many days to come down off it as I'd been on it; bloody awful stuff!

Uncle Mick is good like that, matey.

Re the back symptoms, sounds very familiar. Must admit though, I'll try and delay surgery for as long as possible.

Re the Tramadol, Yep, I've heard that it's powerful but nasty stuff.

When I very first got sciatica, around 2001 I think, the doc gave me some Kapake. Talk about high...I was off with the fairies! I only ever took the one dose, just didn't like the feeling of not being in control!

Well, it looks like a fair few of us have various "skeletal" problems.....maybe a larger bench may be required, Mick, and we can all undergo some Tinbum surgery. Just another benefit of Membership of The Guild of The Hollow.