Got it, unfortunately not a clean shot, I had placed some bread where we had last seen the rat, and I waited for it, about 10 pm on Sunday night it showed up. It was nibbling the bread but it had its back to me so i waited to see if it would turn which it did, I took aim on the head and as I pulled the trigger the next door neighbour let his dogs out. This startled the rat and it set off but i hit it, it bounced against a white board I had placed behind the bait to give me a good silhouette, don't like not making a clean kill even if it is a rat, went looking to see if I could find it but it was dark round the back of the garage.
This morning needed some paving flags to finish the path, when I moved two pavers the rat was laid there, dead of course and a rather large tear on its belly and side.

Just going to keep a vigil on an evening to see if it has any mates.


Chippendale (with clothes on)