Quote Originally Posted by clarky View Post
maybe one day someone will design a beautiful slim stocked field gun......but i doubt it.
Something like a 410 shotgun style stock ....simple action and some nice simple opens..
Id buy it anyway......but sadly such a gun lost and forgotten.
....and thus we contend with trawling the adverts to find something which has a raised comb less than 2 ft high.
Why cannot any manufaturer produce a shotgun type trigger guard....with atleast some semblence of style and tradition.
Has anyone seen the one on the new FWB Sport....for crying out loud ....what on earth....how can something look so bad for doing something ever so simple!
Take a look at a trigger guard on a 1930 s .22.....
Maybe designers dont know how guns should look.....maybe they all died out.
designs or expectations change over time.

go back 20 years or so. would you have though a rifle that looked like a child had made it out of meccano would be popular in years to come?

some airguns look like rayguns from the future .

some people will say a traditional airgun design is boring and buy a meccano rifle and designers see that in the sales trends .

if more bullpup or meccano rifles are selling that traditional, what are they going to spend the R&D money on?

a big selling rifle they can't keep up with the demand for or a traditional rifle that only sell to traditional type rifle buyers ?

supply and demand dictates in the accountants minds not tradition .