
I shoot at 6yd in my house.

With my springer rifles & pistols, the noise level is fine, and the shot cycle from them does not sound like what most members of the general public would call a 'shot'.

With my Baikal MP-46M, the noise level is higher, and a different note to the springers - but again, it does not sound like a 'shot'.

However, my Tau 7 CO2 makes a significant bang like bark, which is clearly audible outside in the street ; it does sound like what most members of the general public would call a 'shot'

Luckily, the neighbours both sides are into drilling, sawing, hammering, bashing etc., at all times of the day, and, so far, they haven't passed any adverse comments on sounds of 'gunfire'

Have fun & a good Sunday

Best regards
