If you look at my set up then the big DMT is the stone I use most, had it 25 years and its still doing its diamond thing.
Then its a dry wall hand sander with micro-mesh grit papers. Can use auto wet and dry sand papers almost as well.
Then a jeweller's rouge paste on a leather strop if I want a mirror edge.

I freehand as I do plenty of sharpening, but the angle systems like Lansky work well for those with less confidence. The more convoluted systems ones are fantastic but also fantastically expensive. Which is why I put up the the inexpensive one (I don't own one but might at that price). Its all about keeping the angle while the grit does it thing, which takes time.

For every full sharpen then I use ten times a ceramic Spyderco white rod to "steel" realign the micro edge. Wiping over a ceramic is a great way to keep and good edge excellent. Stropping does the same. Eventually the knife will need a full sharpen.

Loads on the tube and a worthy skill to master. All knives need maintenance, and a sharp knife is safest.

Do not use power tools, do not use carbide pull systems unless you want to junk your knife in no time.