To confirm Nicks post, the details for Monday's shoot are as follows:
Signing in from 8am
Safety brief at 9:50am
Competition start 10am

30 targets set to UKAHFT rules to be shot by pairs of shooters. The main aim of the comp is to have springer shooters paired with PCP shooters but we will be happy to have PCP / PCP pairs taking part as all funds raised are for a good cause (Cancervive) and we do have trophies for both (the spring / PCP trophies are nicer though...)
What ever you are shooting the pairs are encouraged to discuss the targets as they go rather than only after they have shot. If you fancy a go but don't have a partner turn up anyway and we can pair you up on the day, what will help is if you can put your name down below so we know how many to cater for (bacon sandwich before the shoot and burger after the shoot).

The cost is £10 per head which includes the food, shooting and an entry to the raffle. If you want to improve your odds on the raffle more tickets can be bought on the day.

The plink will be open from 8am so you have plenty of time to check your zero.

the post code for Mile Oak Farm is BN41 2RF - please drive through the farm at walking speed.

Names so far (give or take one or two):

Mike Byford & Gary Chillingworth
Phil Jacobs & Charles Peal
Jean Greatrex & Chris Tyhurst
Justin Parrott & Nick Byrne (competing under the team name "The Cunning Stunts" )
Biggles on boinger plus Vince with a girlie Steyr
Lisa & Rick Bowell
Kevin Hills & Russ 'recoiling' Connor
Kevin Wickson & James Dawson
Steb and Eddie
Richard Chase and Pat Fitzgerald
Rex Bennett and Steve Edmundson aka puff n perv
Dougie Falcon & Ally Stewart
Rob Farnworth & Kevin McMenamin
Justin Rayner & Kim Lum
Aaron Friend & Bob Pattendan
Jon Kelly (PCP) Damian Walker
Martin Armstrong & Eoin O'Brien
Steve Budge & Mark Rackley
Phil Bleasdale & Kevin Bleasdale
Nigel Buchan & John Turnbull
Matt Goodson (springer) & Mrs Goodson (PCP)
Kev Catt & Paul Somerville