To confirm earlier messages and rumours we will be hosting a shoot on the afternoon of 17th June at the Oaks.

This will take the form of a three positional competition - 20 targets set out in the wood to UKAHFT rules but each target will be shot once prone once kneeling and once standing making it a 60 shot comp.

Andy's national will seem a doddle after this.......or not.

The covered plink will also be available all afternoon if you need to check zero.

The course will be open from about 11am onwards with the last shooter finishing around 4pm (ish) so you can come along when the traffic allows

cost will be £5 for non members and £2 for club members.

Tea and coffee available all day and the farm shop does food if needed.

The Oaks are at the back of Brighton, post code is BN41 2RF.

Please drive at walking pace through the farmyard and park by the club hut or if full in the field above the club hut.

Any questions or if you are lost call me 07753776007