Hi Chaps

it has been a while since I posted anything on here due to house move and baby arrival. Anyway last week we visited GGGR who is as everyone knows Mr Magic with old (usually worn out) air guns. A pleasant few hours was spent plinking with a selection of ancient relics saved from being scrap by GGGR and my son especially enjoyed sending bottle caps flying with a Scorpian and an ancient Webley pistol in .177.

The visit was rounded off with G man presenting me with a few bottles of home brewed apple wine. As a man who rarely drinks I found the need on medical grounds (I am well qualified medically) to sample the wine as a means to raise my body temperature to kill off a cold caught whilst plinking in the Welsh hills.

After 1 glass I am wondering if I will survive the night-either this stuff is 15% or I have the plague. If you ever get the chance to view G's collection you will be amazed but I urge caution when sampling the strong stuff.