Hi All

I purchased a new (preowned) Hawke scope for my BSA Ultra. The rifle itself has been shooting some fantastic groups with an old Nikko Mountmaster I threw on it when I purchased it. I have put the Hawke on the rifle and once zeroed I have been shooting groups but it seems that the gun won't group. (Think 1"-1.5" instead of the .25" groups when rested at 25 yards). Initially I was thinking pellet but tried some different pellets. Then looked at my shooting but I have ruled that out with my AAS410 .22 and the groups are nice and tight with that. I then went to scope.

Looking through it it is really clear, the turrets seem to move the crosshair appropriately and accurately when the rifle is held securely and there is no looseness to anything on it, nor is anything rattling (unlike the Nikko that does). I put the old Nikko back on the rifle and it's shooting great tiny little groups again, I didn't even have to rezero. After eliminating everything to this point I tried shooting the new scope again with a lower magnification setting as the Nikko maxes out at 9 but still haven't had any luck.

Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this? I have checked the screws are not over tight (have used a torque screwdriver at about 1.25 ft/lbs, which appears to be the recommended tightness).

Thanks for your help
