Red laminate, blue laminate, beach, plastic, thumbhole or sporter???
I've been looking at pictures of the 97k stocks (on the sgc website) wondering if there are any differences in shape/cheek piece hight?
From my looking it seems the 'th' has the highest cheek riser, then the STD sporter & blue laminate, then the red laminate has the lowest.... (I think the red laminate is actually the forest 77 stock?)
I'd like your thoughts & experience on these stocks please, I'm thinking I might order a .20 black line or .20 beech sporter but I can't get those lush looking laminate stocks out of my head, especially the red laminate., In which case I'd be going for a .177 which isn't really what I want, and i recon I'd struggle with the cheek piece being too low.....
Anyway let's have your thoughts please on the stocks mentioned, what are the differences noticeable in use? What are the finishes like?
Thanks all