They are not "making up their own rules" they have read & remembered the section prohibiting weapons, probably because it has been specifically shown to them.

Then because you and other idiots like you lie &/or hide posting an item that is allowed under another different section (guns for sporting use) they are not corrected and therefore educated that in fact the item is perfectly legal to declare & send.

Do not dare to complain about a situation that you deliberately fail to address when given the opportunity. [/QUOTE]

Carm down dear - Blimey living up to your handle yes you can send them under that category, this gun went under that heading, so your last statement is pointless. The system isn't exactly reasonable or practical for the selling of new or 2nd hand guns as those that bow to media pressure and in office, don't wish for or provide a simple solution other than standing in a post office debating whether it's legal or not, its a ridiculous situation.

The system is squeezing the gun community in all directions, if the system doesn't accommodate then we have to adapt. I don't care for high morals statuses when we are all guilty of something it is in parts, the bottle empty so its safe, it's just the stupid system that needs changing but that's another conversation.

Original poster is correct, politeness and education does help, but some still refuse to accept them, and not many people want to stand in a long queue arguing with staff as to the right to dispatch a airgun, so respect to the seller for his determination to enlighten these people getting inaccurate information from management.

I'm done.