Hi All

With big thanks to Steve, Vince, Carla and Alasdair and in spite of the thunder, lightning and torrent which hit us this afternoon with 3 lanes to go , the course is set.

Quite surprised that we managed to find the targets (lanes 1-15) which we put out on Wednesday evening during a similar downpour and near darkness.

What's out is out and, while not quite as tricky as I would have liked, I think you'll find a smattering of lanes to make you think (or mutter under your breath).


Please keep it neat, tidy and 'tight' and ALL IN THE FIELD please. There will not be 'safe' parking on the grass verges we used back in April due to the probable passage during the day of a combine harvester !! Driver of the latter is not known for the accuracy of his steering and I'd hate to see any of you loose a road-side wing mirror (or even the whole of the left side of your vehicle ). On your route in to the field you'll see an area which is taped off - it's a tad boggy and we don't want to be making it worse.

For anyone arriving early (Nigel ), please be prepared to help with final prep, including putting out the zero and practice range in particular.

FINDING US ....... Gerry has again slung a pair of bright yellow metal plates from the telegraph pole immediately opposite the entrance to our home - Broyle Park Farm. This should help reduce the number of you who end up at Broyle Place Farm (1/2 a mile to the West of our site)

See you tomorrow.
